This one says it all. April 23, 2024 Introduction Although we have already honored the Cross and celebrated the Resurrection, in actuality, it occurred during Passover week, which we are now in. Today’s post is taken from my book The Pleasure of His Company and shares
Threshing Floor
God, I want to steward Your leadings better. Please forgive me for all of the times I let fear, man or anything else get in the way of immediate obedience. I yield to Your Lordship now! God, You alone are above everything, including my life.
God’s Ways
You have ways of doing … God, how would You like to do that? Fill in the blank. Wait on Him to answer.
Mantle of the Prophet
Tonight at Fusion Church, Dr. Maas prophesied over me that mantle of the prophet and that God had trusted me with a little but was now going to trust me with much, much more. First time that has been spoken in public by an outsider.
Dream Class and Rocket
I have had two sets of dreams in last couple of weeks. I dreamed i was in a college university about to take my finals. Most eveyrone had already taken theirs and left. Today I dreamed of being in a classroom again. I also dreamed
Drean | Flooding Basement
I dreamed that I was checking out a leak in the basement, and it turned out that there was a gusher happening. Water was pouring in and running like a river and out. I heard that it had been kept without damage to get me
Dream | Alligators
I dreamed I worked at some place. It was nighttime. There were canals and bridges where you walked around the grounds. I knew there were tons of alligators around. At night, you could shine a light and their eyes would glow. Barbie’s book has two
Fast Day 17
I might be learning something. Fasting is about sacrifice. I would suggest that biblical fasting involves food. It’s not abstinence from social media. That said, I have tried to only do juice. Well, that is tearing up my stomach. Where is God in that? I
Fast Day 14
Fast has been ok. I ate crackers the last few nights cause my stomach was so messed up from broth or juice. Nothing has really happened since the dreams. We are in a battle with our finances. Everyone of the four deals we had this
Fast 10 of 40
Our deals so far this year seem to be struggling. 4 made. 4 fell apart. The deal with James Williams is resurrecting. Thank God! We took a time out Saturday night and ate pizza and drank wine. Back at it now. No new revelation or
Fast Day 5 Dream
I dreamed that Jack and I were taking off in a Lear Jet. He was the pilot. I was copilot. It seemed like we were taking off from Atlanta. There were all kinds of trees we were flying through as we were rising above the
Fast Day 3
Our church is great. I just love the people there. Good group. Small. Wont be for long Jen and I have blown up twice in two days on this fast. Not sure if it’s the devil. Seems that way. Hearts need healing. I asked the
Fast Day 1 of 40
And, so we begin. Day one of the fast. Juice, diet coke, water… no calories except from fruit. A little protein powder. Had a dream last night. I was pulling up the an Exxon gas station. X on. Christ on. We are on. We pulled
A New Day
It is 2025. And, it is a new day. We are and have turned a page. While I feel the same physically, spiritually and emotionally, it is not the same. I am back in the saddle. My God is before me. The 40 day fast