Interesting how this keeps coming up. Twice in two days from two totally different people. Lana connects it to families. Yes God!
By Lana Vawser
I had a very significant dream recently and the Lord gave me a prophetic word for FAMILIES out of one part of the dream concerning 2018.
The Lord showed me FREEDOM and BLESSING coming to family lines in 2018. Where previously there have been cycles where the enemy has been stealing, killing and destroying, where there have been cycles of shame, pain, poverty and fear, the Lord is breaking the hold that the enemy has had. The things that have come at you, the smoke and mirrors, the assaults of fear, the intimidation, the constant cycles of despair and brokenness where there has not seemed to be breakthrough and freedom, that is about to change.
I saw clearly in this dream that the Lord is REMOVING the shame of the past. The Lord is REMOVING the effects of the past on family units, and there is a divine severance of the cycles the enemy has kept many families bound in, in 2018 are going to be BROKEN in Jesus name.
The Lord showed me the FRUIT OF FREEDOM that is going to explode within families in 2018. It is a new day for families and there is tremendous breakthrough upon the family unit.
“Fear not, for you will not be put to shame; And do not feel humiliated, for you will not be disgraced; But you will forget the shame of your youth, And the reproach of your widowhood you will remember no more.” – Isaiah 54:4
There is a NEW JOY coming into the family units. There has been great turbulence many families have faced. There have been attacks against the family unit, but God is decreeing over the family unit that a NEW DAY has opened up over your family.
Where many families have felt the sting of the thief and in some ways have faced decrease, the Lord is decreeing that this is now your season of INCREASE.
The Lord is decreeing 2018 being a year of FREEDOM FOR FAMILIES! Fruitfulness shall EXPLODE within your family and how things have been, will no longer be. The miraculous, turnaround, breakthrough power of God is exploding into family units.
The Lord is breaking generational cycles and there are generational blessings that the Lord is releasing in the breakthrough of FREEDOM upon families.
Where the enemy has attempted in many ways to bring decrease and separation, the Lord is decreeing 2018 being a year of restoration, healing, increase, freedom and fruitfulness for families.
Get ready to see your family unit walk in greater fruitfulness and increase. Trust in the Lord’s ways and His timing. Embrace His process, for the land of plenty and blessing is awaiting your family.
“May the LORD, the God of your fathers, make you a thousand times as many as you are and bless you, as he has promised you!” – Deuteronomy 1:11