2010 in Review

What a year! Here are the big events:

  1. Fast – 7 days, God destroyed spirit of religion, poverty and fear
  2. 12 Day fast – God birthed e29 as a ministry
  3. Unity in moving to CO, connected with Bethel Atlanta.
  4. Jordan gets sick. They thought it to be Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
  5. 17 days in hospital with 3 in ICU
  6. Jordan delivered  of many demons
  7. War against witchcraft
  8. Thought it was Georgia.com
  9. Thought it was InterScape
  10. Thought it was Your Design Online
  11. Ended year not thinking anything about work.
  12. Saw blind eyes opened for the first time.
  13. Saw boy in coma come out of it.
  14. Selfish ambition was dealt with.
  15. Diligence was revisited.
  16. Authority in leading not by consensus taught.
  17. Great glory is coming, but it wouldnt as long or to its fullest as long as approval of man is important. Laura and I are in a great place.

Bless the LORD.