I always knew that 3:16 was part of all of this numbers thing that the LORD has been talking to me about for the last year. All of this fun happened yesterday, 3/16. I used to get that number and just tell the LORD that I loved him too. Funny.
So, I surrender to God the latest round of flesh. Yesterday, Evan calls me into his office to tell me that I am getting a $20/year paycut. Naturally, I was not amused at all. My pride says that I am already there at a less than market rate and now this? Oh boy. I was pissed but didnt say anything except that I would take it to the LORD. In the back of my mind, it certainly beats not having any job.
I emailed Carrie that I was getting a paycut to see how we now qualify for a loan. The thing that really bothered me was that this hurt our house buying ability. And, I want them here!
Now, I had shown the house on Fairwind Lane in Broomfield to Laura, and she freaked. “This house rocks!” is all she said and then proceded to set up my looking at it with Zachary. They are asking 345k.
I emailed Carrie a second time to ask her where 311k would land us. Here’s what she wrote back:
Hi John:
I am sorry to hear about your income reduction. I think we are all counting our blessings we have jobs right now. I ran the figures based on a sales price of 311K and I have attached it above. Depending on the property taxes this may be the top end of the price range. I need to keep your debt to income ratio at 41% or less. The scenario provided with your new income gives a debt to income ratio of 40.9%.
If you decide to stay in this price range it will be imperative I know the exact details of the property taxes and hoa if applicable. Let me know if you have any further questions.
Well, that’s close enough for me to see that the base reduction is from the LORD. And, that 311k is now the number that we are to buy a house. I have been trying to figure out what 311 means for a long time.
I know that this will turn out to be a really cool story. Today, we make an offer of 311k on 345k ask. It will take a miracle for certain.
The current owners are believers. I am sure that they will not be all that excited about selling their house for 311k. The LORD is humbling His children – and blessing them too!
Bless God
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