40 Day Fast #3

I am the 6th day into my forty.

So far, it has been humbling. I did water for the first 3.5 days and was going to keep going. I woke up the night of the fourth day with my arm shaking. All I could think was to get a glass of juice. I had been asking the LORD whether He wanted me to fast water or move to juice. Juice it is.

Faye sent me a word yesterday. She felt I need to just get a job – any job. It broke my heart. I dont want more humiliation and shame. I asked the LORD for mercy. But, I started looking at anything. I have been applying since then.

Today, Lana Vawser released this word. It is precisely what I felt after Faye shared with me.

What is up God?

Last week at Bridgeway, someone gave a word about rockets blasting off. Yes! My dream again. And, look at Lana on rockets.

Here’s my dream: http://www.journal.johnjstein.com/2016/03/26/dream-alligators-and-rockets/


by Kevin

Last night I had a dream and the Lord spoke so loudly…

“Just when you thought your process was being extended….. CATAPULT!!!”

Many are feeling the ‘fear’ that there will be more delay. That there will be an extension of the process of intensity, hardship and delay upon delay of breakthrough!

I feel Jesus is decreeing opposite.. CATAPULT!!!

CATAPULT: To hurl, propel or launch something!!! (Google.com)

I kept seeing rockets everywhere and I asked the Lord what He was saying and He said it is TAKE OFF TIME!!! He is now propelling and launching you into MAJOR breakthrough!!!

Do not strive to enter the breakthrough! Enter REST, give Him your YES and He is going to do the REST!!!

This is what the LORD says to Zerubbabel: “It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit” says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. (Zechariah 4:6)