I am the 6th day into my forty.
So far, it has been humbling. I did water for the first 3.5 days and was going to keep going. I woke up the night of the fourth day with my arm shaking. All I could think was to get a glass of juice. I had been asking the LORD whether He wanted me to fast water or move to juice. Juice it is.
Faye sent me a word yesterday. She felt I need to just get a job – any job. It broke my heart. I dont want more humiliation and shame. I asked the LORD for mercy. But, I started looking at anything. I have been applying since then.
Today, Lana Vawser released this word. It is precisely what I felt after Faye shared with me.
What is up God?
Last week at Bridgeway, someone gave a word about rockets blasting off. Yes! My dream again. And, look at Lana on rockets.
Here’s my dream: http://www.journal.johnjstein.com/2016/03/26/dream-alligators-and-rockets/