7th Day

Today is the day of breakthrough. It is the 7th day and time for the walls to come down.

Finances. No more curs. No more lack. Only abundance. No more debt. We are the head – not the tail. John 10:10

Relationships. No more Leviathan. No pride. No more disunity. No more unequal yoking. No familiar spirits. Only a deep hunger for the things of God and His Kingdom.

Health. No more generational curses. No iniquity we are under a new blood covenant, and the Blood is sufficient. Eyes healed. Legs healed. Weight healed. Tailbone healed. Veins healed. Knees healed. Perfect health. Back healed.

Ministry. We fulfill the dreams that God fives. I take the word of the LORD to kings of countries and kings of companies. Nehemiah get ready. Creative miracles, come forth. Dead, arise. Astounding words of knowledge. Severed spines, be healed. Blind eyes, open! Lou Gehrig’s. Spina Biffada. Be healed! Every word of healing come forth now! You no longer sleep! Anointed, am I!

Release Your Spirit, O LORD!

Let the gold come back.
