Unemployed Prophetic Ministry

So, I keep meeting with folks from the Crossroads group, and God speaks into them. Way cool. Way cool.

Here is an email from Dave Boss, a Jewish guy that comes to this Christ-centered group. Lord, please move his heart to You. Save his soul, in the name of Jesus!!!

I wrote:

Hey, cool!

God knows. He directs the paths. He speaks the words. I am not the one to take credit. It’s all Him.

This is great news on all fronts.

Lord, I pray for a continued release of Your great and awesome love for Dave. I ask that the job be made manifest and your Presence known. Show Dave how much You love him and that you are alive and well and keenly interested in a relationship with him.

Bring Dave Your very best choice in work for him. Very best, Lord.

In Christ,


He wrote:

> From: Dave Boss <dboss05@comcast.net>
> Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2007 22:57:37 -0400
> To: “John Stein (johnjstein@gmail.com)” <johnjstein@gmail.com>
> Subject: Update
> John,
> Since you (and many others) were praying for me on Wednesday, here’s a
> brief update:
> – the interview went very well at Delta. An hour after I got home, the
> secretary called to
> schedule a 2nd interview next Monday. The role is different than I
> thought, but certainly
> a big step up in responsibility from my last role in GE.
> – I am meeting Alan Ketzes tomorrow for coffee
> – I spoke with Brian Cork, and we are making arrangements to meet soon.
> Now here’s the
> strange part (I guess you’re 2 for 2 on this prophecy thing). The SVP
> that interviewed
> me at Delta attended Northrop University in California, which lost its
> accreditation and
> shut its doors for good in 1993. I was looking on LinkedIn to find
> anyone else that went
> there that I might know or meet, to get a recommendation call into the
> SVP. Guess who
> else went there? Brian Cork. If I had picked up that heavy phone when
> you told me to,
> maybe Brian and I would have already met, hit it off, and he would be
> making a call to
> the SVP for a recommendation. Georgia Tech in common? So what.
> Northrop Univ?
> WOW!
> How did it go with Joe at the bank?
> Regards,
> Dave Boss