I almost didn’t go to Free Chapel last night. It was 7:00, and I was just finishing a presentation from home for work. I went up to talk with my dad for a minute, and he said to go. So, I did.
Well, I ended up entering the service from a different door than normal and proceeded to my creature of habit seat. I passed a girl in a wheel chair, and I knew that God had led me this way so that I could pray for her. She was on my mind most of the service. When it ended, I went to go find her hoping that she didn’t leave before I could make it through the maze of people.
She was still there, so I walked up to her and asked her about her leg. It was in a velcro-type cast. She had broken two bones in it. I asked her if she wanted healing, and she said yes. I told her that Jesus would indeed heal her right then. So, I prayed. When I was done, I asked her to do something that she couldn’t do. Her mom (and several others had gathered around us, but I didn’t notice since I had been praying with my eyes closed) took off her cast, and I asked her to wiggle her foot around. She said that it felt better and didn’t hurt. I asked her to stand up on it. She did but was very tentative. Her mom held her arm, and they walked a couple steps. She rested against a chair back, and I could see her wiggling her leg around. All of a sudden, it hit her. Jesus had healed her. She broke down in her mom’s arms and was crying. Her mom was crying. It was awesome. Kennedy had come face to face with God, and she just realized it.
I saw her again a little later. She was still being pushed in the wheel chair but had her cast in her arms! Yea God! I guess she got the ride since she had no shoe on that foot.
Then, on my way out, I ran into an older lady, Virginia, with a cane. I went up to her and asked her what was up. She said that she had arthritis and was about to have hip surgery. I said “awesome”! Then, it occurred to me again that people not receive my excitement when I find out their affliction. Ha! I asked her if she wanted healing, and she said yes. She had the faith for it too! I prayed for her and asked her to move around. She said that it felt better. Bless God.
I said, “let’s take a walk”. We walked outside, and I took her cane from her. She said that it felt good but tender. I said, “let’s keep walking”. It was working itself out. Glory, she was healed right there. I told her that no surgery was needed. Doctor Jesus just performed all the necessary surgery.
Funny how the devil will try to keep you from the glory of the LORD. Man, is He good.