Son, arent you tired of getting unplugged? And He said, I have seen you getting unplugged and unplugged and unplugged. And, here’s what He showed me – an extension cord around you. And, everytime you feel like it’s going to get plugged in, someone unplugs the other end of the extension cord. And, so you dont get the flow of what God is trying to do. And, I heard Him say, you are to start to ask for the chain of blessing to stay in tact around you. Ok, so here’s what happening. Too much robbery is going around you. Again, it’s amazing the roberry that’s going on around you. All around you.
So, what’s happening to you is that you have been withdrawing. I was laughing because when I first came in tonight, I looked over, and the LORD gave me a vision of a walnut. I heard the LORD say, tell him I am cracking the nut. And, as He was cracking that walnut, so, I am calling him a nut, isnt that hysterical. But, I hear the LORD say, tell him, I am cracking the nut. And, as He was cracking that walknut – at first, I thought it was a walnut, and I started laughing. I said, LORD, what are you doing with a walnut w/him? And, He said, no, it’s not a walnut that you’re seeing. It’s a shell alright. It’s a shell of an eagle. And, He said, the eagle keeps trying to go back in where he was at. And, He said, he’s not going to. He said, tell him that I am dismantling his nest tonight. And, He said, he’s going to fly.
And, He said, because he’s been given the gift of faith. But, He said what happens is that he pulls away from the gift of faith. And, He said, I amg oing to give him the discernment. Here’s what’s been happening. You’ve been getting set up between presumption and faith. Because what’s been happening, you havent had the discernment to what to believe for. And, so you have been believing for the wrong things – getting set up for disappointment and discouragement. And, the LORD says, ask me for discernment and align your discernment that I am going to give you with the faith that I am going to give you with the promise that I want to make happen manifest around you.
This next year is going to be a year of fulfilled promises around you. I mean some of you dont get that. You’re headed towards burn, burn, burn. But, he’s not. You are headed, the LORD said, get ready to start swimming up strange streams. And, He said, because you are going to be playing in a strange river. And, He said, you will be swimming with strang fish. And, He said, be careful of those strange fish. He said, because some are sting rays, and they are poison. And, He said, others are not. And, I literally see others that are opening their mouths, and they were just grabbing down the river of God. And, the LORD said, you have been like a sucker fish. And, this is a good thing for you because you have been sucking down the presence of God. And, as you were doing this, I literally saw the LORD say, I am filling him from his head to his feet. And, He said, that’s for a reason because there is a teaching gift that is in him that’s going to start to unfold from him.
He says, son, you are called to start to share a testimony. And, He said, I have not let that testimony sit on the shelf for anything. I have only let it season for the right time to get other people’s ears ready. He says, you have been ready. And, He says, you have had zeal but tonight you’re getting the discernment and the wisdom. And, now, you are getting the anointing. S, when you speak it and lay hands on teh sick, they will be healed, says the LORD, your God in Jesus precious name.