Hi John,
I don’t remember if we sent you the interpretation for this dream or not
(I thought I did, but don’t have an e-mail record of it). I’m resending
it in case I didn’t.
I believe this dream was given to bring you encouragement in your time of
preparation. Your anointing is being prepared (groomed) with grace for
beginning a new ministry (5:30). You may recognize the need to put the
past behind you to prepare for what’s ahead. While this time may feel
like it’s dragging on, the Lord himself is overseeing this work. Be
encouraged that the work is beginning on the inside, preparing you for
what’s outside and visible. Seek the Lord for wisdom in how to interact
with those who are part of your preparation process and to whom the Lord
puts in front of you.
Let us know how this sits with your spirit,
Tim Dieterich
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Dream Submission Notification
A new dream interpretation request was just submitted.
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Date Submitted:
01/25/13 07:33 PM
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Dream Text:
I went to a place to get my haircut. I had just gone to a different
and they didn’t do a great job, so I came here. As I was sitting in the
chair to get my hair cut waiting, I had all of this paraphernalia from the
prior haircut place in my hands. I didn’t want the person who was about to
cut my hair to see that stuff, so I put it in my back pockets when the
person came to see me.
It seemed like different people cut my hair. But, the entire process took
2 hours. I was amazed at how long it took. I got there at 5:30pm.
We were inside and then outside in front of the store. I even saw their
manager doing a company meeting right out there on the sidewalk. He was
giving the rah rah to the staff and had on a button-down with blue jeans
and bare feet. Most everyone looked to be quite young.
The main lady who cut my hair was not American. I think that she was
I had to wait a long time for the work to be done.
I was to get back to my job and was amazed at all of the time it took
to get a haircut. I was thinking that the folks at my job figured I just
got up and left.
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