Feeling like the LORD would have me to read the book of Enoch. Well, dig this in the 17th chapter. It describes the fire. God gave me a quiver of lightning for devils, arrows for disease and a spear of fire for death.
Read Enoch – 17th chapter. Wild.
17.1 And they took me to a place where they were like burning fire, and, when they wished, they made themselves look like men.
17.2 And they led me to a place of storm, and to a mountain, the tip of whose summit reached to Heaven.
17.3 And I saw lighted places, and thunder in the outermost ends, in its depths a bow of fire, and arrows and their quivers, and a sword of fire, and all the flashes of lightning.
17.4 And they took me to the Water of Life, as it is called, and to the Fire of the West, which receives every setting of the Sun.
17.5 And I came to a river of fire, whose fire flows like water, and pours out into the Great Sea, which is towards the west.
17.6 And I saw all the great rivers, and I reached the Great Darkness, and went where all flesh walks.
17.7 And I saw the Mountains of the Darkness of Winter and the place where the water of all the deeps pours out.
17.8 And I saw the mouths of all the rivers of the Earth, and the mouth of the deep.