Dream: Death in Air, Jamaican Man


I was in a crowded movie theater or amphitheater-type place. We were in rows of chairs.
All of a sudden, I can see this tractor-like device that ran above our heads (like on rails but upside down). It had a bag of something under it that looked like brown powered stuff that could be released into the air. It was there to neutralize toxic stuff.
There was a Jamaican man sitting in the aisle over on the end chair. He was slumped over, and that tractor thing came and was positioned right over him. It released that stuff into the air. People were panicking. I saw a thin mist of stuff around him that the tractor stuff was to combat. It was death. It looked like a fog.
I got up and went over to it and rebuked death in the air. I waived my hands in it. I knew that it was death, and I was going to chase that spirit away.
Laura was with me.
The people who operated the tractor thing knew that this could happen and had lookouts watching the air sot hat they could spray it if anything came.
I woke up.