Renamed by God

It is no small event when the LORD renames a person. Israel was first Jacob. Abraham was first Abram.

Well, it would appear that that LORD has decided to start calling me Josh. So, I have embarked on reading about Joshua. It means “God saves”. And, he was given the city of Tamath-serah, which means “double portion”. Liking them both.

Here is the emails where it all happened. Three different people who are totally unrelated all called me “Josh”. It took three times for me to finally get it.

Hi Josh,

It would be great to get together sometime. Any chance you have some time on the afternoon of Wednesday, April 3?  I’ll be in Denver to see some other folks (I work from Boulder primarily) and I have some time between 1:30 and 3:30.  If that’s not good for you, feel free to throw out some other times.
By way of background, I’m attaching a little bit of information on my company.

<ClearCreek Backgrounder.pdf>

Lauren Ivison
Financial advisory for emerging companies
Hi Josh – Sorry about that,  I had to come to NYC for a quick client matter. I will be back Friday! thanks, Dave
—— Original Message ——
From: “John Stein” <>
To: “Dave Hecker” <>
Sent: 3/11/2013 9:26:26 PM
Subject: Re: A new message received from a candidate at CoFoundersLab
No worries, Dave.

Would you like to meet Thursday morning? I could meet you at the REI Starbucks at 9:30, if that will work.
Peace and favor,
John Stein

—— Original Message ——
From: “John Stein” <>
To: “Dave Hecker” <>
Sent: 3/8/2013 11:29:07 AM
Subject: Re: A new message received from a candidate at CoFoundersLab
I am not real familiar with the area, but sure. It will work fine.

Is there a coffee shop around there?
Peace and favor,
John Stein
On Mar 8, 2013, at 11:12 AM, “Dave Hecker” <> wrote:
Hi Josh – Any chance you could meet up in my area, around 17th & Race just E of downtown? If so I could to Tuesday @ 3 for sure. thanks, Dave
—— Original Message ——
From: “John Stein” <>
To: “Dave Hecker” <>
Sent: 3/8/2013 10:39:39 AM
Subject: Re: A new message received from a candidate at CoFoundersLab
Hey Dave,

No worries on Monday.
Tues is booked through lunch.
Would you want to meet at 3pm?
Peace and favor,
John Stein
Here’s what I say you do:

You minimize the noise of social and channel that down to an optimum engagement.

As a marketer, this would allow me to better focus my spend and be much more effective at reaching my audience where they actually are. It allows me to prioritize my efforts.
What would you say you do?
Peace and favor,
John Stein
On Mar 7, 2013, at 10:26 AM, Michael Sitarzewski <> wrote:
Hey Josh,
Great to meet you!
What do we do?
Michael. :)Sent from my “the new iPad.”

On Mar 7, 2013, at 11:06 AM, John Stein <> wrote:

Hey Michael (and gang),

It looks like great things are happening with Epic Playground, and I was wondering if you need help from the marketing/biz dev standpoint.
My background includes 20+ years working with startups, and I hope to help make you famous and grow revenue.
My bio is attached. If there is further interest, please shoot me a note, and let’s chat.
Thank you for allowing me to invade your inbox.
Peace and favor,
John Stein