The shift is happening

Things are happening. I can feel it.

And, I have been getting a lot of prophetic words lately.


  • next piece of the puzzle, next step to be shown
  • provision/finances
  • faith
  • boldness

I believe that something is about to happen for us, but I dont know what it is.

Got a word yesterday that Laura and I are pioneers and will be sent to various areas to break new ground. That has been my story for sure.

Saturday night was “upgrade” night. God had told me to give my Chris Tomlin tickets away. I am most confident that I heard the word, “upgrade” when He told me to.

Well, I dont know all that is being upgraded, but I prayed for a lady with MS on Saturday, and I really do believe that she was healed. She will let me know.

I felt a strong anointing like when Melissa got healed of blindness.

I had the same kind of anointing yesterday at church but not quite as intense. Something has shifted.

Gary saw me getting an upgrade to my fly swatter. I was no swatting bigger flies. Nice! Devil, go!