I am sitting in a rowboat on a lake with Jesus. I am rowing rather gently. It is morning, and the Spring is around us.
Jesus anoints my eyes to see. I get teh “eye salve” that He talks about. I see Him take a red-hot poker to my lips and mouth. Then, He pours golden oil on His hands and anoints my mouth. I see Him take a giant cue-tip, bigger than one of the oars, and He cleans out my ears. He then places two big “Mr. Potatohead” ears on me. I finally see Him take one of those mad scientist skull cap things with all the electrical wiring coming out of it – like Frankenstein. He puts it on me and turns up the juice to full throttle. He is renewing my mind.
There is a new wineskin for me. I am being poured into a much bigger skin. Increase is upon me.
There is a nice pink, laced one right next to me. For Laura! And, two for the kids.
It is coming soon! It is time! Bless God.