Cindy Jacobs

Here is the transcript from when Cindy was in the Springs:


Cindy Jacobs’ Prophetic Word for Colorado

SPAN Conference Luncheon, August 2013


This is a very encouraging word.  Colorado has not felt this way since before the Columbine shooting.  Had felt an “angst.”


I feel the scripture:  “Behold the winter has passed…the voice of singing has come”  When I flew in today, I felt the presence of God in this city.  Like I had not felt since about ’93 when they moved here.  The presence of the Holy Spirit was so precious and over the state.


Think of the seeds that are planted.  You say and feel like, “Will it ever grow?”  I thought of the burned over ground.  The Lord says, “Yes, you are burned over ground in Colorado.  Don’t you understand that there are seeds in that ground and I am going to send the water of the Holy Spirit.  There is a new Pentecost coming.  I am coming with a visitation.  As this visitation comes, it is going to begin to rain.  You are going to have the former and the latter rain together.  As this begins to fall, it is going to saturate dry souls, dry land.  There are seeds of hope and precious promises in the ground of Colorado. ”


You would look at it and say, “No, it is just burned over ground.”


But I, the Lord, say, “No, it is prepared ground.”  “For I am preparing a place where I can do a new thing that is a mixture of the former and the latter.   Do not be let your heart be discouraged and feel that your season has completely passed because there is going to come a time when I do a suddenly.  When I visit you suddenly.  And it is going to be so amazing.  I am going to come like a mighty rushing wind.  For an awakening of the Spirit that will be without precedent.”


Someone is going to have to pray in that word.


I have faith for you.  Here is the rest of the word of the Lord for you:


“There is a teaching gift in this city.”  Isaiah 2:2  “Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains.”


Jean Steffeson, the first person we met here in the Springs, would go to the mountain tops and decree the word of the Lord and prophesy that ministries would move here from all over the nations of the world.  It happened.  By the way, there has been a migrating out, but there will be a migrating back in.  It happens when there is a tide.  It goes out, but there comes a time when it comes back in.


Mix this word with faith.


Such a revival in Denver around early 1900s that the newspaper reported on it day after day, full of scripture.  Think about this…Denver today, Denver then.  The Lord said this morning, “There are seeds in the ground of promise.”  When there is a fire, everything looks burned.


The Lord reminded me of Charles Finney and upstate New York–burned over ground.  I remember preaching in Rochester, NY; they said that every business man in that entire city was a believer.  Without exception.


Have faith in God.  Have faith towards God.  Satan wants to get your faith and your hope.  But God is a great and mighty God.  Sometimes you labor so long in the harvest field that you can get under it.  It is harvest time.


The Lord also spoke to me Ps 121:1-2  “I will lift up my eyes to the hills from which comes my help.  My help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth.”


Help is on the way.


This is a very interesting word.  The Lord took me to Daniel 2:35.  “Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were crushed all at the same time and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away so that not a trace of them was found.  But the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.”


That is symbolic of the Kingdom of God.  The Lord spoke to me that there is going to be some of the greatest messages on Mt. 6:10 “Let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”  God is going to release a Kingdom anointing from Colorado, the highest state.  Doesn’t He say that “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me.”


It doesn’t mean that there is not more shaking coming.  There is shaking coming.  But the shaking is going to work a good work.


We have such authority through the name of Jesus.  Many people prayed when the fire was coming.  Called Peter Wagner.  (You have great apostolic authority.  Reminded him of how he decreed the plagues in Europe to stop and they stopped.)  Peter made a decree and said, “I decree from this day and I speak to the rain and I say it will rain over Black Forest.”  The next day it rained over Black Forest.


There comes a time when we rise up.  I want to speak to you pastors and leaders.  I know you know that you have authority.  But God is saying, “Come to a new level of authority.  You have it. More and more you are going to exercise it.”


Some times we operate with a split world view.  In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  The seen and unseen.  Don’t think that you will take a city by dealing with only what you see.  You have to understand that which is the unseen realm is actually eternal.


Those things that are there, angels, etc.  If we don’t deal with Ephesians 6, principalities and powers we won’t ever reach the city.We have got to learn to steward in intercessory prayer our nations.

The book of Ephesians begins with this magnificent statement that we have been given authority over principalities and powers.  It says to the church that the church makes null the manifold wisdom of God to the principalities and powers.  Then it begins to clean up the church.  It talks about relationships in the church, it talks about families, and it gets everyone cleaned up so you can do what it says in Ephesians 6.  “Finally, my brethren, do these things.”  Wrestle.


We don’t wrestle against flesh and blood.  We do wrestle against principalities and powers.  If you are going to wrestle, you better learn how to wrestle.  Becca is teaching on this at this conference.  Things we taught in the 90s, we have to reteach. You pastors, some of those things that you taught in the past, reteach.  We have whole generations rising up.  Peter Wagner is rewriting Prayer Shields.  You need bigger prayer shields.  Because it has been penetrated.  You have been harassed.  You are going through spiritual warfare.


The Kingdom message is going to come.  As I prayed for Colorado Springs and the state of Colorado, I heard these words:   “Reset.  “I am getting ready to push a reset button.  I desire to bring this state into a season of resetting covenant with me.”


It’s time to go back and make covenant with God.  It’s time to go back and say that our state has made decisions that have grieved God.  Be we the church, the ekklesia, the legislative body in this state, do decree it belongs to God and we make covenant with You, God.  “Greater is He who is in us than He who is in the world.”  We know that.


There are shakings. Satan hates Colorado.  I believe there are terrorists cells.  There are things that Satan would try to do.  It is time to be on guard.  It is time to be on watch.  Watchmen _____ of the night.   It is time to gather again for prayer.  Gather together for prayer.


One of the beautiful words that God gave me about this, He says, “This will be a full circle time for you if you grab a hold of it.”  The state was always meant to be a model of Psalm 133 – unity and revival.


“The moves of God from the past that I have released in Denver are nothing compared to what I am going to do.”  This is what I prophesied earlier.


“The enemy has come in like a flood and released into this state and tried to shame My people.  But this is what I say, says the Lord.  There are 7,000 people who have not bowed their knee to Baal and I have a plan for righteousness.  Do not think that the enemy has won.”


I want to say that to you again because I am here to soak you with the gift of exhortation and the gift of encouragement.  God is not weak in Colorado.  There are 7,000 that have not bowed their knee and God knows where everyone of them are.  In fact, I will say that for America.  There are 7,000 that have not bowed their knee in the United States. Yes, there is persecution coming and the persecution is going to wake up the church.


This is the time of decision.  You will have to decide where the line in the sand is.


I feel this pioneer spirit is going to rise up in this state.  There are pastors who would go to jail for what they believe.  Some of you may.  That is the sobering part of this word.  Some of us may.  But I am not ashamed of the gospel.  Not ashamed of Romans 1.  I am not ashamed about what God says about Biblical marriage.  We cannot back down.  We cannot be haters but we cannot back down from preaching the word of God.


I said there is still shaking.  But it will only serve to release a greater measure of glory.  “I will even shake the state legislators and cut off the iniquitous structures that have been built there.  A new generation of young leaders who love Me and the foundation of this nation are being sought by Me and I have called them to run for government.”


God is going to raise up the Daniels from this state.  They are being prepared. They studying constitutional law right now.  They are young fire brands and God is going to raise up those. And you will see that they come out of seemingly nowhere.  They will have such an anointing on them.  They will have the anointing of a Wilberforce on them and they will be reformers.


Watch and see what’s getting ready to happen.  Dark days may look like they are upon us.  This is the day where Dickens said, “It is the best of times; it is the worst of times.”  The good thing is that you were made for this time.  God has called you for this time.  He has created you.  He’s purposed you.  He has redeemed you.  He’s anointing you for this day.


There is a season of calling those to stand strong.    The Lord says, “Let me reset covenant with you personally.  I will release an army into the nations of the earth from this state.  I will release new missionaries and missions movements are going to arise, new youth movements are going to arise.


I had a vision when first moved here in 1995, released at New Life.  I saw that there was going to be a way, a move of God for the youth like what had happened in the great revivals of the earth.  It was going to come out of the city of Colorado Springs and so many youth would come here to be trained that I saw them chartering planes to come to this city.  Now that promise is still here.  God is waiting for someone to say, “I believe it.  I believe the word of the Lord.  God do it.  Do it through me.”


I believe that these young fire brands that are arising will do it.  The Lord says, “I will release the treasures of darkness.  The Cyruses will arise.  The Lord shows me that some of you pastors here have a project and even today, some of you were praying over plans.  You said, “Lord, where will I find the money for this?”  Father in the name of Jesus, I thank you that these plans will be fulfilled.


Peter, the Lord says, “I am going to lay the foundation stone of this work.  You will come into a season of expansion.  And this season of expansion is going to enlarge your tent.  There will be room for the children, room for the youth.  God is going to pay the bill for that.  It is going to happen.  It is going to be beautiful.


(To Bill) The Lord says, “I call you William.  I call you to be a noble and resolute protector.  I am going to do a work where you live that you would not believe.  That city is meant to be a city of transformation.  That city is meant to be a place where the whole city is revived.  Do not be discouraged because it will happen.”


“Do not worry and do not be weary of well-doing.  Don’t faint in the day of adversity because I am going to release a flood of blessing and harvest and awaking that will bring salvation to this state,” says the Lord.  There is an awakening coming. It is coming.  The Lord is anointing you to be awakeners.


Woodland Park is going to have a move of God that is going to be glorious.  It’s coming.  You get ready.  There will be a Psalm 133 movement of unity that comes to Woodland Park. There will be new agers saved.  It will be historic.  God says it’s going to come.


The Lord shows me that there is someone called to fight human trafficking here or someone in your family.  You have a special call to bring freedom to those bound in trafficking.  Lord, we thank you for this call to fight human trafficking.  That it is going to happen.  The Lord says, “There is a new move of justice going to come out of Colorado.  It’s going to be a centerpiece for a justice move of new abolitionists that are going to fight against human slavery.”


This man back here.  I see a media piece that God is going to put in for you.  There are going to be young people you will get connected with who will make films, do videos.  Has this happened yet?  I see new equipment coming, some state of the art equipment that comes.  Will be micro-sizing so you can move fast and get things caught quickly.  God is going to bring it for you.  It’s going to happen.


Pray in the word of the Lord.