
I am trying to lose weight. I am at 188. That makes me feel bad and takes my concentration off of good things.

I am really trying to get more of Holy Spirit in my life. I feel that I have been praying for this for years and years. God, You give your HS to those who ask. I am asking.

Money is running out, and our sources are too. Moore cancelled on EBWAY so that stream is cut off. But, something is brewing. God has it covered. Excited about next door having been opened. I just dont know what it looks like.

Jordan has been fighting those headaches. They MUST go. God wants His own relationship with her. Praying for Jack to be overwhelmed by God’s goodness. Asking for the relationship to be amazing.

Bridgeway continues to frustrate me. Is this just a season to help me grow into maturity? I hope so. I really want to leave. Hate that I feel oppressed and that  lid is on me. Hate fear and poverty and unbelief. Those spirits jack up destiny on people.

Finished reading two books on William Branham. Love his ministry. Want that mantle for myself. God!?

Working with Michelle Spadafora is testing me. More fear present. Pride and micromanagement keep you from excelling. The lesson is to stay on your giftedness. Do what you are made to do and not what others are made to do.

Finishing up the vision for the Incubator. Calling it Nehemiah Ventures with Viral Mule being the services company. Going to send it off to that Greg dude from Denver to see what he thinks. God bring the connections. I really feel that the LORD is on this, but I cant pull it off myself. He has to intervene.

Bless the LORD