The LORD says son, I have brought you here because the enemy that has come against you one way will flee seven. You have been going through a mess. It’s been a stink. It’s been a controversy. You have had all kinds of things blow up in your face. LORD, I dont understand it. I did everything by the numbers. I was sure I know what I was doing. But, you have gone through it, My son. But, you’re My son. Make no mistake about it. I am in a relationship with you. And, I am your first line of defense. And, so, I want you to put me out in front of you. Dont fight your own battles; let me do it. You’re a lover not a fighter.
And, so, the LORD would say, “some enemies have risen up against you. Enemies that are pressuring you. Enemies that are trying to undermining you and many times, you said, LORD, I feel like I am walking through a battle zone. That’s because you have been walking through a battle zone.
But, you have had some ambitions to preach. Am I going to fulfull those ambitions? YES! You have even had an ambition to start a kind of ministry and to organize people. And, you have said, LORD, unity is the key. Unity is the key. Unity is the key. And, as soon as you started to promote unity, you got nailed. I mean, you got creamed. Ah, but the LORD would say, I am going to take that ringing out of yoru head. I am going to establish your life. I am going to stablize you spiritually – and even in the natural. And God says, you are going to feel like you went through a spiritual health spa. And, in fact, all you did was come to church at PIM. And, God touched you.
And so, the LORD says, I am the good shepherd – I restore.
I said, I am the good shepherd – I restore.
So, I brought you here tonight, YOU! To be restoring you spirit, soul and body. So 1-2-3, there! I restored you spirit, soul and body.
And, they LORD says, son, in terms of spiritual gifts and anointing, you have been running on 110 volts, but that’s not good enough for what I want you to do. So, I’m jacking up the wattage – there! I am jacking up the voltage. And now, they are going to say, where is brother 220? You are going to begin to operate on twice the level of anointing, and the gifts will proliferate in and through your life, brother 220. Says the LORD.