Demetrius and $100M

Hey there,


The meeting with Demetrius went very well. What I have learned is that he is in a similar, formative position that I am. His group does not have tons of capital – yet. They have engagement letters and a ton of prophetic words over them that this is unfolding now.


He feels that the LORD told him that they are to invest $100 million into Nehemiah Ventures.


What I am needing prayer for:

1) Is his group the one that God wants me aligned with.

2) How to structure the equity based on their participation.

3) He wants all of elevate29 a part of NV. I had originally thought to sell 20% to NV. Is this the way that the LORD wants me to go? If so, how do I structure this? What do we get paid for e29? Do we get paid for e29 or is that just part of the capital put into NV? I would think that we would sell e29 to NV and collect money for it.

4) How does NV invest into companies and which industries?

5) Wisdom for this Shemitah model.

6) Where to be located. Demetrius likes Castle Rock for 3 buildings. This would potentially be part of that, but I told him I felt the LORD has me on Denver, proper.

7) Demetrius wants a controlling interest, initially with a buy-back for me to take over the majority interest as time passes. This is to protect their interests. I get that, but God called me to lead this. I already have His endorement, so I am not interested in abdicating my authority. Is that the wrong position to take?

I understand their concerns. They don’t know me. I had originally thought a 60/40 split in my favor, when I was asking for 1.5M. Now its 7 times that amount. Way off my radar dollar-wise, but I don’t think that the premise changes.  This speaks to #2, I guess.

I am thinking a 45/45 split, which gives us equal voice in matters. Then, I would start vesting an additional 10% over a few years after a two-year silent period. That gives them 2 years + the vesting schedule to alleviate their concerns. If we vested 10% over 3 years, I would have majority interest after 4 years. That is what I am kinda thinking.

Please let me know if the LORD says anything.