God Likes People

I continue to think about the fact that God values people. He really likes us.

If we can see this, we can grow in our love for people. Yes, we all do funky stuff that can jack up relationship. And, the lost act like it. And, babby Christians act like it. This has all been part of my walk over these years.

But, God likes people.

That includes “me”.

He likes to spend time with me.

This morning, I came to my closet trying to be without an agenda. I just want to be with Him. He likes me and accepts me just for who I am. I have value to Him.

The other piece is me being in Him. Iwnt revelation on this. I get Him being in me, but what does it mean and look like to be in Him as found in John 17.

And, if He is holy, how much of me is in Him? If Iam unyielding, does that part of me not make the trip?

As I walk through sanctification, does more of me fill Him up?