Marketplace Rock

Elevate29 – John Stein

Content and Blog – Laura Stein



John, Laura, Pamela & Vicki


Key:     Red text is prayer for you

Purple text is a Praise Report

Green text is a prophetic Word from the Lord

Bluetext is additional comments from Marketplace ROCK

Orange is scripture



Personal Updates:

  1. Laura:  We talked about the poverty mindset and I think we’re both on the same page on that.  I’ve continued to pray against it – there are some things that we’ve subtly gotten used to.  Gaps in work and we don’t have to have a financial catastrophe in order for the Lord to bless us in a huge way.  That’s the new way we’re walking.
  2. Jack’s got 2 friends here from Atlanta.  He’s doing good.  He has another year of high school left.  He was going to graduate in December (he’ll have enough credits to) but he’s going to go the full year.  We ask for a God encounter for Jack – and for the entire Stein family.
  3. Jordan: she’ll be moving in a couple of weeks.  They’ll have a new roommate coming in.  She already knows her.  There will be 3 of them total.  Pray for protection for the new place.  She moves out on the 31st – August 1st at noon.
  4. Nothing new with the church.  John is still meeting with Rich.
  5. Any changes in your anointing?  No.  I prayed for a guy who broke his back biking (road bicycle).  I want the miracles – instant.  I want to have a discussion about dead people coming back.  Still pray for Acts 5 boldness.
  1. You are stepping out in boldness – you just don’t recognize it yet.  You’re going to be there 8/9 & 10.  Go with anticipation and expectancy – God’s going to show you something there.
  2. There is a lightness and playfulness between the two of you that I haven’t heard before.  You are moving into unity and joy.  I can see a shift in your relationship with each other.  I say yes and amen and I ask for more Lord.  I felt like today was to be light day and a day of praise over both of you and telling you how much God loves you and your children.  Go and play and enjoy each other and discover new things about each other.
  3. Vicki:  Do you sense that too?
  4. John: Um…yes, there’s a little bit of a battle going on but I also see a willingness to recover from it.  Something’s shifted.   You are one in Christ – 2 parts of the same thing.
  5. Last time I was in Rich’s church I could physically feel the fire around me.  I used to feel that all the time and it went away for a while.  Yay it’s happening at church – it was like an oven.  I don’t know if it’s the church or me.  I used to feel it outside of the church.
  6. Also I got a word from somebody that Jesus was going to come visit me in person, before the word was given to me that I would have an even greater anointing.
  7. Pamela do you have anything else?
  8. Pamela:  God is moving in your lives, a little bit of patience you will see the fruit soon.  I can see the fruit is already manifesting and he has more for you.  I’m praying more and bigger – it’s coming.


Business Updates:

  1. We got another proposal part of the other proposal with RockPile.  It’s to help them sell.  Laura: I can’t help him in that, that’s John’s thing.  Pray they recognize his anointing there to help them sell.
  2. Cowboy museum – nothing on that.  Things take longer than we’d like, but it’s got to be perfect timing.
  3. I’m continuing to work on the plan.  There’s some revelation – there’s a problem with the business model I need revelation on.  Pray about Demetrious and if he’s the right partner.  I don’t sense anything is awry – just on the right time table.  I’ll meet with Demetrious next week again.  Confirmation would be good.


Prayer Requests:

  1. Peace for Jerusalem – protection for all of the believers in that area of the world they are in heavy persecution.


Lord we thank you for everything you’ve done in their lives in this last week and for everything that has come out in this call – we ask for more and a deeper understanding of you.  For your presence in their lives and wisdom for the business plan.  Laura, you have a way of seeing in a difference in way.  An increase in John’s healing gift and anointing for the entire family.


Homework (Focus on God’s Will):


Spiritual Protection:



Prophetic Encouragement:

From Pamela:

Every time I ask God what He wants to say to you I am overwhelmed by His love for your whole family.  But His focus right now is on the two of you, John and Laura.  God is restoring what the locusts have eaten; both in your marriage and in your businesses.  He is so proud of you both!  He loves your faithfulness and your perseverance as He is preparing you for the exponential growth of your business and ministry.  God brags about you!


Lord, I pray for even more Unity between Laura and John.  I ask You to bring forth anything that has been hiding in the darkness.  To bring all things into the light so that they can be healed in Your loving presence.  Lord continue to do what only You can do.  In Jesus Name.


I know that some of the verses are repeats but they are there for a reason.  Your Heavenly Father wants to give you a fresh revelation of who He has created you to be.  He so trusts you!  (I have changed the versions to give fresh wording and added a couple of new verses.)   I continue to pray… Lord, I break all hexes, vexes, incantations, curses and blood sacrefices spoken against John and Laura, their family, businesses and ministry in Jesus Name.  They fall to the ground and are of no effect in Jesus Name!


Lord, thank you for your provision for this family!  You are the God who provides and protects.


I also want to confirm that I am in agreement that you will all have an encounter with God!  We are all in unity!  I hope to see you August 10th at Awakening Colorado.



Gen 17:2 (New King James)

And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.”

(This also applies to everything that you touch!)


Psalm 90:17 (New King James)

And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us,
And establish the work of our hands for us;
Yes, establish the work of our hands.


Isaiah 30:18 (New King James)

18 Therefore the Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you;
And therefore He will be exalted, that He may have mercy on you.
For the Lord is a God of justice;
Blessed are all those who wait for Him.


Galatians 3:14 (The Amplified Bible)

14 To the end that through [their receiving] Christ Jesus, the blessing [promised] to Abraham might come upon the Gentiles, so that we through faith might [all] receive [the realization of] the promise of the [Holy] Spirit.

Lord, I thank You for Your guidance for Jack.  Give him peace, wisdom and perseverance as he goes through this last year of High School.  I thank you for the joy of friendship and community as his friends visit.


CLIENT – Jordan

Thank you Lord for Jordan!  Thank you for a smooth move into the new apartment.  I ask for the perfect timing for John and Laura to anoint this new home that it is a place of refuge, peace, fruitful study and holy community.  I ask you Lord for Your protection and wisdom for Jordan as she moves into this new home.


I want you to know that I always pray for special requests but I don’t always go back and add them to the prayer report.  I am asking God for clarification of why the enemy has access to Jordan lately.  Has she been praying to break all hexes, vexes, incantations, curses and blood sacrifices; that they have no effect in Jesus name?  God, hide Jordan under your wing in Jesus name!


From Vicki:

1 Corinthians 12:12 (NKJV)

Unity and Diversity in One Body

12 For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ.


Romans 12:4 (NKJV)

For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function,


What I believe the Holy Spirit is saying about you in these two passages of scripture is that the two of you are one; separate parts, but one in Christ.  Find the strengths in your differences – don’t let the enemy use them to drive a wedge between you.  I know this seems obvious, but it’s God’s truth.  It goes for your entire family unit – the two of you as well as Jordan and Jack.  When one part is sick it affects all of you.  When one part of you is full of joy it affects you all.


Remember that Jesus sent his disciples out two by two because there is power in numbers:

Mark 6:7 (NKJV)

Sending Out the Twelve

And He called the twelve to Himself, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them power over unclean spirits.


Deuteronomy 32:30 (NKJV)

30 How could one chase a thousand,
And two put ten thousand to flight,
Unless their Rock had sold them,
And the Lord had surrendered them?