
Always felt like September was a big month this year. This word is right on, and I have even been fighting pain in my right hip for 2 months now.

“September Is A Month Of Shifting – A Time Of Breaking Free” Troy Goode, Providence, RI

I hear the Holy Spirit saying, “September is a month of shifting. It is a month for you to monitor like the sands of time in an hourglass.”

He’s been wooing you and whispering to you to make changes for many months now. He teaches by His Word or He allows circumstances to teach us. His perfect will is that you would finally bend to His whisper out of your fear of, trust in, and love for Him.

It is because He loves you that He is calling you to a higher level of living; however He is very prepared to love you by lifting His hand ever so slightly off you in order for you to experience circumstances that will teach you through other means – what it is to fear the Lord.

A Time Of “Breaking Free”

There are many dark forces that have been unleashed against the Kingdom of God and in this season; and the Father is serious about raising a people who will be able to take the fight to the enemy with clean hands, pure hearts, and souls that have not been given to idols. (Photo via Freeimages)

He’s wanting to break you free from things you’ve said in your heart that you “can’t live without” because those things have deceptively become your master. He’s wanting you to live your life without the crutches you’ve devised and the coping mechanisms you’ve constructed.

Yes, this is a time of “breaking free” and His commitment to you is so intense that’s He’s prepared to bring discipline in order to usher you into freedom. Many of you are already in the midst of His discipline and the Lord would say that you are not under attack; cease praying against what isn’t there. This is not an attack but a summoning from your Father to change. Don’t resist Him; submit to His discipline and it will bring you to levels you could not have achieved without it.

His discipline is actually His mercy because He’s not allowed you to be mortally wounded; only the socket of your thigh has been injured to remind that He is the Lord. This is a redemptive judgment and in the coming days your limp will be a testimony that you have overcome.

God gave Jezebel space to repent and her window closed. Paul told us not to receive God’s grace in vain. We’re in that kind of moment again. God’s grace is not a license to do what you want, rather it is a supernatural power enabling you to be what God has called you to be.

Be sober in this month, be on alert, and break the allegiance with what or who He’s been telling you to break allegiance with; for September will be a month that you will see your time of ignoring His voice evaporate. This is a month when God will close the window for you to respond to His whisper and force you to respond to circumstances.

Troy Goode, Senior Pastor
New Dimension Church