Wandering around

“Patience” is what Gary Smith prayed over me yesterday. What on earth does patience mean for right now? Is God unfolding something, and I am not letting it play out? Or, am I to wait for a longer period until I walk out what He wants? I dont know. Man, I really dont know what is up right now.

I went to the mountain yesterday. It was great. I was really needing to reconnect with the LORD. 4+ hours later, He filled me anew.

I continue to look for what He has for me next. I managed to schedule a meeting with Gary for June 5. We shall see.

Other than that, we are looking to renew the lease on this place. That really bummed Laura out. She wants her own nest, and I want that for her. There is some surrendering needing on all parts.

I am trying to show the kids how much I love them.  They are amazing. I pray God to release them from any captivity.