Holy Spirit Salesman

It is fun to watch the LORD work. He says that He gives us power to make wealth. I am convinced that He actually means “power”.

The last two times that have met with a prospect, I have had a thought or a vision on how they should go to market and where they should focus their energy from a marketing standpoint. In both instances, they have said that that is exactly what they had been thinking or talking about.

It is cool how the LORD does that. These guys think that I am a genius.

Now, our sights are turning to how we scale the business. I believe that sportsfuse is about to engage me. Chris Clark, the CEO says that its a long-term deal. Open Book Ben wants to engage me as well, and they said Q4 or Q1 of next year. Could God be lining up my work so that I can step out in faith and expand our business?

Laura and I head up to Aspen on Friday so that she can see the beauty of the area + we plan on praying and talking through expanding our business. I believe that we need to hire someone who can span both of our businesses.

Guide our paths, Father. Thanks so much!