Treasure Chest

The treasure chest awaits. It is filled with the plunder. It is filled with silver. Keep coming. It awaits you. Dont fear. Dont retract. Keep going. Keep coming.

I see a black tornado from the west coming east. I see blood and destruction. I see the power being cut. The lifelines and supply lines are being cut. America is being torn and cut in two. There is division and strife arising out of the heartland.

I see the waters rising. There are gates being tested. Will they hold? Will they draw back? Fortify yourselves, for the storm is coming.

There is a crack in the church. The high places are coming down. A new thing begins. She will come in low – on her face and on her knees.

For, the threshing will be great. For, I am the LORD. There is scrubbing. There is washing. The threshing produces much fruit. The wine will be sweet. It will be abundant. My Spirit will flow like wine.

There is a great release for miracles. I see dead men walking. I see a new sun shining. How can this be, says America. It isn’t done this way.

Man believes he knows. But, who is the LORD that He should repent?

There are sharks in the streams and snakes in the oceans. For the shaking has begun. In the spirit, there is war. The natural shall soon see. There will be many who run to the LORD. There will many who perish in their holes. None shall perish at the will of God.

Repent. For the time is near.

October shall be a month of turning. The tilling begins in the fall. For, the sun will bathe the new fruit in the spring with warmth.