Not 100% sure what to do with outside of taking it to the LORD. It came anonomously to my inbox.
Hello John,
This morning, at approximately 9:45am PST, God spoke to me concerning
you. My name is not relevant to this message so it is not included.
This message is for you, your wife, and your children only! It is not
to be distributed openly either in written or spoken word. These were
the instructions I was given at the time when God spoke this to me on
your behalf. It is my hope that your heart can receive this message
and that it brings you courage to face what is in front of you.
Here is the message God spoke to me this morning, nothing added added
and nothing subtracted:
“Grace and peace to you! I tell you the truth. This day, even at this
very moment your deliverance has been commissioned in the realm of
glory. Do not despair, but instead receive the Word of the Lord. For
within His Word lives the power of revelation, if received by faith,
to reveal the promise of restoration, of new vision, and the fresh
waters of hope. A future has been placed in reserve for you and has
been authorized in heaven to come to pass, beginning right now!
Therefore, fix your eyes NOT on the world and its hardships, but affix
your hope on the Word of the Lord. In His Word is the substance of the
promise already fulfilled. For His Word is not restricted by our
limitations, but is spoken for the purpose of perfecting our faith in
God that we may not doubt the faithfulness of God to fill our hearts
with hope, our bodies with the power of the Spirit, and the Love to
transform first ourselves and then the world around us. The power of
repentance has been lost through the counsel of man’s “wisdom”
regarding grace, but God’s grace is NOT devoid of repentance, nor has
His judgement gone silent. He is the Judge of the hearts and minds of
mankind, both in this world, and also at the end of our days. The
judgement seat is not empty and the threshing floor remains active.
The seeds of yesterday are being thrown on the floor to be crushed. Do
not mourn for the end of this season. In every death, room for new
life is made. The giant that has fallen makes way for His light to
comb the forest floor, causing seeds to grow that have laid dormant
for years waiting for the raging fire to come. His works, wrapped in
mystery, will be revealed through the Spirit of Revelation and will
take root in you by faith. Be of good faith and may your heart receive
the power to believe that God sees you, has heard you, and is
answering your prayers in ways you would not expect. Ponder these
things in your heart and speak not of them publicly until the
appointed time when God tells you to speak about them.”
It is my hope that you are blessed to receive this message!