
We site 9 days away from running out of money for the millionth time. We have never run out.

Bill Johnson preached an awesome message last Sunday and sued finances as an illustration to a point. It hit home. God has been revealing His nature and ways to us. He did this with Moses that he might know Him. I have been waiting for the time that God stopped paying the bills, but He wont. We are in convenant with Him. I dont know why others experience something different but I do know that He has promised.

I dont know why Clay didnt come back from the dead. Tasha and I both saw him move. We prayed and prayed and prayed. He moved, but he didnt come back. Was it worth driving up there? You bet! Clay was the fourth youthful person that I have prayed to raise from the dead. All have been kids. Something to that, I imagine.

c83bdea0-0854-4903-b1aa-994bc1099074I took Yasmine and her mom to meet some big movers in business. It turned out to be a mess. Lessons learned. Not sure what I missed. We continue on.c5b1e9a1-96a6-480a-8073-11ec0d7f05a8

I am meeting with Terry Hunter today. There is a possibility that elevate29 or even Nehemiah Ventures could be off and running on something large. We shall see.

We just keep moving forward and walking along. I messed up with Kimberly and tried to put her into a higher position than she is ready for maturity wise. We will get that straight. Our days with her are limited, unless the LORD shows up soon.

Laura and I are up and down. She is awesome – my mama duck. Ducks mate for life. They fly together. God has been speaking to me about us through ducks. ha! I like it.

I wish we had real intimacy, friendship and trust. The devil has a history of getting in our communications, which makes things tough. Leviathan. But, God is putting him under our feet.