A March To Remember
Last night the Lord began speaking to me about this March and I could sense His excitement towards it and us. March is the month we will rise up and MARCH upon every fear that has been besetting us. Fear of sickness, fear of financial lack, fear of destiny loss are all among the fears to be trampled on this month. If you have any fear – this is the month to stomp it out. This is not just an encouragement to do so but a prophetic declaration that the army angels of heaven have been released on our behalf for this to happen. Surely you won’t miss out in joining in.
Furthermore this will be a devastating month on the prince of Persia that is the demonic entity behind Islam. It will actually be catastrophic for him. Don’t be fooled by any outbreak of violence that makes you think otherwise because this is the truth. March 4th is the beginning of Purim which is the Jewish feast that celebrates God’s amazing last minute and seemingly improbable victories. It is when Haman ended up hanging on his own gallows. This scenario is being set up all over the world by the hosts of heaven. Many plots will end terribly for the enemy this March. He has got some seemingly fool-proof plots and they will be his greatest embarrassment and downfall. Go ahead and celebrate that ahead of time. It is the Kingdom Age and a massive March of advancement begins now. Demons and the devil have just entered their worst days since Jesus rose from the dead- and this season is going to last a very long time.
Watch for March Rainbows
Our Papa will also be looking out for each of us during this season looking to personally inject us with so much hope that we dare to believe again the crazy things we used to believe and contend for. I believe He showed me that this would be a month with an abnormal number of rainbows all over the place. We were to be encouraged any and every time we can see a rainbow and we are to take it as a personal word to us- every time- that His promises to us are in fact being advanced. Heaven will know every single person who can see the rainbows and for the month of March no matter where you are on the planet take it personal and do not take it as something random. This is our reminder that our 7-Spirited Rainbow God is ruling over everything and beginning to release us with power and presence into the 7 mountains of society. Heaven has said ENOUGH of His Bride being pushed around by fears and insecurity and He is about to release us as His Super Heroes into every area where Goliaths are boasting and intimidating. Goliaths have never been the problem and they are not now. We are not pretending there aren’t Goliaths – we are just acknowledging that Goliaths are each just a small stone away from bowling over- when the Super Heroes arrive on the scene. So the Lord says, “Super Heroes -Arise on the Scene!!