From Richard on current events

I have been warring with you. I know we have missed each other on the phone
and will connect soon but I have been feeling a pressing for you that you
were walking through a swamp, a mirey pit but it was a walking through not a
walking into.  That God is opening your eyes to the spirit realm in a way
that your mind is still catching up the revelation in your spirit is almost
over whelming your mind. That the spirit of revelation and wisdom is upon
you. To both reveal good and bad with an understanding on how to walk it
how. You have been tempted to both go back and jump ahead but God has you
walking through this place like a soldier. This is to condition you in a way
that you would never have been conditioned. It is like road marching in  the
army with full gear. You can lift weights and run and work out every day and
run a 7 minute two mile and be in excellent shape but when you road march in
full gear things in your body that have never been worked before are put
into use in a different way and you feel the effects. God has you going
before like a forerunner in the spirit to encounter what others have not and
is preparing you for a time that things will be rough in the spirit for
those who have not allowed themselves to be trained. You have been chosen
for an assignment like special forces I hear even Delta Force which is a
higher call. Delta Force is an elite group of special forces.

Delta troopers are also equipped with the most advanced weaponry and
equipment available in the U.S. special operations arsenal. A significant
portion of their gear is highly customized and cannot be found anywhere but
in Delta’s lockers. An early example of this was a specially-constructed
HAHO parachute rig which were been adapted to permit jumpers to keep their
hands at their sides during the descent rather than above their heads. This
alteration prevents the loss of functioning which can occur as a result of
prolonged flight time in such an unnatural position.

Delta Force members are selected for specific traits, whether it’s language
skills, an ability to shoot someone from a half-mile away or extreme
physical endurance. But usually they pick them for a lack of showy machismo.
They’re extremely low-key; some of them look like superheroes, but most of
them tend to be laid-back, slow to anger, not show-offy in any way. For one
thing, it’s difficult to be the best in an occupation and yet be sworn to
secrecy. Once you’re in that unit you dress as a civilian, wear civilian
hair and can grow a beard.

They live in a private secret world and don’t tell anyone what they do. They
train constantly. They’re ascetics because part of the discipline is being
able to dig a hole and live in it for a week or get dropped in the middle of
a desert and find your way out.

They like to say that Delta Force is the haven for great soldiers who hate
the army. They’re older than most soldiers, they like what they do and hate
the chain of command. They call each other by nicknames and don’t really
recognize rank. Some of the most respected people in those units are
noncommissioned officers, sergeants.

Hope this helps