A big change coming

I went to daystar last night. The presence of God was so thick and weighty. It was awesome. Worship was amazing. I love it when He shows up like that. Man, I want to carry that level of Presence all of the time.

Stephene Jenkins and I got together. The LORD has been speaking to her about me in a big way. Something really big is about to happen. She says that we wont be in Atlanta much longer. Soon, we will move on. Is it Austin? She says that my business will get a foundation here but not the ministry. I am not all sure what that means. Also, I need to stop procrastinating and get on with the things that need to be done. Focus on the small things first. Those are critical.

So, I will assemble a list of everything that needs to be done and get going on that. I will also come up with some kind of calendar that I can adhere to that allows time for the family first (after God) and then work. But, I also need to get those things done that need to be done.

There is something in my heart that He is going to fill. I dont know what that is, but we shall soon see. The rest of the words that she spoke had little to do with anything that I can do myself. He is moving.

I also talked about Laura’s continued physical affliction in her digestive tract. Steph thought that there was bitterness and unforgiveness. It sure does seem this way. I would fathom it to be a spirit of torment, but Laura says there is no one to forgive. I pray God for grace and mercy. Free her of this. Show her what to repent of.

I also shared with Steph the concept of elevate29 and Free Radikals. She was all over it. I am asking the LORD how Stephene plays a part in this. She has a strong intercession apostolic thing going. She could lead the Rads intercession ministry. Is that what You want, LORD?

God has been speaking to her about moving too. And, Austin is on her radar. It would be real interesting to see John and Kristine and Stephene and I to be in the same town together and have it not be here. Crazy. We shall see what the LORD does.