Fast 5 of 7 | Weds | Laura’s Vow against Ministry

I am still working through vocational ministry.

Breakthroughs are coming.

Am asking the LORD to confirm with everyone necessary what this all means.

I need a burning bush to show up – or something like that.

“Wont be married to a full-time minster.” I heard that this morning. Laura spoke that a long time ago. I remember that I once started pursuing ministry, and that is what she said. I just wonder if the failed jobs are directly correlated. I pursued jobs because of what she said. That means she became an idol, and I became disobedient. No wonder there has been so much witchcraft. Jezebel sucks.

I dealt with this and repented for both of us. I break that off.

Teri Usiak ays to look at Tennessee for the ministry job. I dont believe that is right. God said I am married to Denver.

But, I emailed

God, do You want me someplace else? If so, where?

I met a dude named Barak. He is staying in a cabin close to me.

He is from the Springs. We prayed together, and after we departed, the LORD told me to give him $500 for his stay. So, I took over a credit card slip filled out and gave it to him.

In all honesty, I called the folks who own the property to tell them so that he didnt add an extra digit. I wish I trusted better, but he still has my card info. God will protect that.

$500. Wow. So that makes things interesting. Bless the LORD. He provides.

I felt the release this afternoon for the stay. Whatever posture I had coming into this place has changed. We have dealt with stuff. Now, I feel as though God is going to do something. Bless the LORD.

I think I will go fishing tomorrow with my Papa.