Chuck Pierce: Follow Up: “Chuck Pierce Clarifies More About His Prophetic Insight on the Economy and Gives Strategies for Action”
by Chuck Pierce
Aug 22, 2009
From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is one of the most important postings we have put on the ElijahList in a long time. Many of you just read Chuck Pierce’s word about the economy. Chuck and I have had extensive emails going back and forth for clarification and I’ve been in touch with other prophets on how we exhort the Body to be prepared in this next season. Now we have this update from Chuck on how to process the last word he gave for the period between August 24 and October 17. (If you missed this previous word, a link at the bottom of Chuck’s article is provided.)
This is NOT a time to fear. Again, don’t let fear overtake you. However, this word AND the set of strategies below are very important as we enter times of great economic change and uncertainty.
Further, I would highly recommend that you forward this email to all your friends and tell them we plan to keep posting important and strategic prophetic words and instructions on the days just ahead.
Believers and all those who will BECOME Believers need to be on the ElijahList postings so that as important revelation comes forth, they can receive the information in their inbox immediately.
For all who want to subscribe, see the subscribe button on the top of this email or go to and subscribe there immediately. This is a time we want to keep as many as we can in the Body of Christ in the “prophetic loop.”
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The ElijahList, Breaking Christian News and
Chuck D. Pierce:Follow Up: “Chuck Pierce Clarifies More About His Prophetic Insight on the Economy and Gives Strategies for Action”
I am a watchman and try to watch carefully for patterns and trends that affect each of us. The enemy loves to change times and laws. Therefore, he will use worldly structures and controls to hinder Kingdom advancement.
If you have not been able to watch this month’s Zebulun School class, “Positioned for Growth”, you can still register to watch that “on demand” through August 30. Go to our webstore to purchase that e-ticket. We have some great leaders to help you in the future to understand the faith realm God is calling us to NOW! For our next class we have invited Peter Roselle, a minister leader in New Jersey, and a market leader with Morgan Stanley. We will be discussing trade structures. Blake Morris, another business leader, recently shared some financial insights that I will share below.
Praying for Supply Lines to Open, Economic Shifts to Occur, and the KINGDOM TO ADVANCE!
The Word from Florida: I want to encourage you to reread what the Lord spoke to me while we were at the Let the Eagles Gather conference in Florida. I want to be sure we are processing the word correctly. Therefore, what God said was: “Watch for an economic shift by the end of this month. Between August 24 and October 17, there will be great changes in the financial system. Be aware that the banking system has not finished making its changes. We will start into an accelerated shift in structure. The government is in an open rearrangement.” (To see this previous word, click on the link at the end of this article.)
I do not believe that the Lord is talking about a big Stock Market Crash or a Bank Run. This could happen, but that is not the overall issue to understand. There is a full rearrangement of the economic system going on worldwide. If you have not read The Future War of the Church and God’s Unfolding Battle Plan, there are chapters in each book on wealth that could help you.
Here is one perspective that is important for you to understand: even though the dollar is changing and fluctuating, this is a time your dollar could really work for you to acquire resources.
Many banks have resources they have acquired from loss. These resources could be redeemed by those who have extra dollar buying power. You could seek to acquire resources. Some banks must move now to alleviate themselves from the over abundance of failed loans and corresponding properties. This could be a catalyst for Kingdom advancement.
However, no one seems to have extra dollars to “take the land.” If we look at the “giant” that is controlling economic structures and choose to shrink back, then we could lose ground and miss an opportunity to advance now. Also, this could leave an open door for a thrust from a dark side to control the land and keep the land from being occupied with those who hold God’s plan.
So here is what I have done personally: I cashed in my retirement and paid off debts; I gave to the future of the land; I helped some others advance; I made sure the Eagles of God accounts were up to date; I helped two children advance; we analyzed foreign currency, such as the Australian Dollar, Euro, Turkish Lira, etc., to see how currencies are moving worldwide.
I do not think that this is a reactive type of prophetic word—just a word to be prepared by October 17. The economic structure as we have known it will not be same. So if you are buying stocks on the same basis and understanding of a system of yesteryear, you will probably not see the return you are looking for.
Wisdom from Blake Morris
I always like to get perspectives from others. Yesterday, I visited with a successful business friend of mine, Blake Morris, who gave the following wisdom:
“There is a way out of this famine supernaturally, and what the Lord has begun He will finish. He did tell me to prepare myself to negotiate very shrewdly and consider all options! I know that I must let go of some assets, and if this requires drastic cuts that is ok. Bankruptcy may be an option to be evaluated and considered. I feel we must understand and know all options in order to see our way into the future and receive strategy to take a key turn.
“I believe it is a time to expect the supernatural and place a high demand on the Spirit of God to move. I hear the Lord reminding me of a word you gave last year around September that said we must move and do something even if we make a mistake. This is a mentality of ‘I refuse to stand still and perish in the famine.’ The example you gave was climbing up on the highboard and jumping when you did not know how to swim.
“I hear the Lord saying, ‘Out of desperation comes creativity, and for a season I will be like an artist that paints a new picture with many colors.’ My normal personality is to focus in on one or two things to maximize profits, and now I am painting all over the canvas to find the new. I am not sure what I will create. Hope that makes some sense! I feel we should move in the entrepreneurial anointing and pioneer…there is not a path to follow that has been cut out for the season ahead. Therefore, we must open the way.
“We have to cut the path and be the forerunners in this season so others may follow. Businesses must be birthed and others are being linked into their destiny and choices will be presented. If we will dig the well, God will fill it with water for us to drink from in the future.
“I also hear that many ‘churchy people’ or ‘religious people’ will not be able to see the new thing God is doing to impact the world. The wealth is there to be transferred. But we must see and move in His timing. Businesses are coming forth that ‘church people’ will say, ‘You should not have linked up there and you can’t take money out of that arena.’ However, the Lord is saying, ‘Align and watch Me give you entryways to fields you have never entered before!'”—end of quote by Blake Norris
Here Are Some Points to Watch NOW!
The way the Church gathers and strategizes is very key for days ahead! Here are some points for us to embrace at this time in history:
Shifting, Changing Laws! The enemy loves to change times and laws. Therefore, he will use worldly structures and controls to hinder Kingdom advancement. We must stay active in Civil Government. How we vote is how we are visited in the future. Politically motivated shifts in laws and governmentally influenced ventures and investments will produce blame and create power wars that divide and control certain institutes of societies.
Changing Supply Lines! Go back and review the Gold Market in every decade so you can find your pattern for the shift that will take place in currency in each season! Money, economic regulations, and changing financial structures do not affect the Kingdom, but do affect how we build the Church in days ahead.
Unregulated derivatives will continue for a while longer. This will cause the Banking System to change drastically and expand the supply of money and credit. This creates another bubble waiting to burst. For instance, in the United States, individual states are losing revenue and beginning to cut services. Some effects from this are: the poor will get poorer; a decline in state workers; a cut in medical services; a lack of Medicaid funding for the elderly; a decline in education; a potential for violence; and the exhaustion of unemployment benefits.
Slavery structures must be reviewed. Watch your debt structure! Develop a plan for debt management and alleviation. Ask for favor with institutes. Watch governmental manipulation beginning from July 2009. Many institutions will attempt to manipulate debt to make money. Debt produces poverty. We must watch debt patterns in our lives, counties, cities, and nations.
Changing Economic Structures Worldwide! Inflation could happen at any time, so always have a plan for inflation. Consider your ways! Have plans to diversify your investments and resources. Do not put all of your eggs in one basket. Do not have a basket so “tight” that you cannot remove or add or redirect resources into Kingdom purposes and plans; your funds must not be so restricted that you cannot move in God’s timing of shifts.
For instance, keep watching and moving your natural resources, like gas and oil to gold and silver stocks at the appropriate timing. Watch the emerging markets of China and India. (I am sold on watching this!) Watch products that enhance the land such as fertilizer and other agricultural-related ventures. Biotech developmental groups are always key for us to watch. His Kingdom is a sure thing in times of shifting economic trials!
Restoring Waste Places! Carefully watch the cities where bulldozers begin to demolish old structures. Watch as the Repairer of the Breach calls us into a rebuilding season. Certain cities must be transformed.
Realignment of Nations! There will be “chess move” made by Russia and China to counteract the dollar base of world currency over the next 18 months. This will affect many systems, but will fall short in complete governmental dominance and control. Israel will become more and more the center of discussion and division in nations in days ahead. China is attempting to create a new reserve currency. China is gathering and securing gold resource throughout the world. The effect will be that a new world currency base is developing.
A Major Shift in Training in God’s Kingdom Plan. We must develop creative skills! We must become sensitive to the problems of people. We must address every obstacle as a challenge with a solution that is available. We must not fear causes because we know the Spirit can produce results through us. We must be motivated by a covenant expression of God’s plan in the earth through His vision rather than through money.
We must be adaptable and observant to the changes around us. We must see the world around us differently, ask a lot of questions, and synthesize things from an intuitive perspective. We must become a fluent, flexible and imaginative people who are not afraid to be original and divergent in our thinking processes.
We Must Align and Be Trained for the Future! God has a battle array and an order that will reflect His holiness in days ahead. We will have a new vocabulary, a new presentation of identity, and a new dimension of authority as we enter the next season. New training structures are being developed to help God’s people understand their covenant blessing and spiritual inheritance.
To read Chuck Pierce’s previous word “Between August 24 and October 17, There Will Be Great Changes in the Financial System” click here.
Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries