
I see me and my family on a deserted island. Canibals have us tied up, and the pot is on the fire. Suddenly, a brilliant white light – it looks like a huge beam shines down from heaven and picks us up.

The canibals are amazed. We are transported to Jerusalem where there are riots in the streets. I see small warfare. Even woman are being hurt.

I stomp my feet on the ground and vibrations like a pulsating wave go out. Everyone stops. Jesus appears to them all as in a vision and then is gone. The fighting stops, but the people dont know what to do. I start preaching the word to them, and many are saved. Miracles break out all over the place. Dead are raised.

I see a guillotine that has been used for years slowing down. The people push it over. Flowers spring up everywhere.

A flood of water comes through the streets of Jerusalem. Many are saved.

The LORD is setting the stage for a great outpouring. Many who are lost will come to Him. Many who we would think have no hope will suddenly see Him and be made whole and find this love overwhelming. Many will be saved.