This morning, I asked God what He wanted to say to me. No lightning bolts or anything.
Then, I felt like I needed to read Isaiah 54.
The other day, when I went to Red Rocks, I was thinking, I need to take an extra shoe in case someone prays for me and it gets healed.
This afternoon, I started watching Bethel. Bill Johnson is preaching on JOY. That just keeps coming up for me.
Bill preaches on joy out of Isiah 54 and talks about Jack Coe lining up 5 folks who were in wheelchairs. He was going to pray for them to get healed. None had brought their shoes. Jack made them go back and get their shoes and come back the next day. They all got healed.
I just believe that the LORD is telling me to get happy and expect it to happen – in every place of barrenness, I will shout for joy! I will praise and thank my God for what He is doing and about to do. I know the prophetic words. I know the promises. Now, it is time to celebrate them before they become reality.
Bill’s sermon: