New Client + Life

I spoke with my new client, Cathy Peterson yesterday. She thanked me for saving her life. She really was thinking about suicide. She let me pray for her, and she says that she is better now. Bless God.

Psam 100 – enter His gates with thanksgiving. His courts with praise.

I guess if you need to go to court, you start with praising the LORD. Help God!

I’m still working out offense.

LORD, take this ugliness out of me. I dont want to be mad at people.

Laura – madish at all of it. How she hurts me – how she is hurting the kids.

Loraine – cant seem to forgive. Woman needs to hold her tongue.

Joe – not mad but judging I think


Yesterday, the number farm came up






This am, I believe that the LORD gold me Isaiah 61:6 for 616. I still dont have revelation on 414 and 808, but I am seeking.

Isaiah 61:6

Isaiah 61:6New American Standard Bible (NASB)

But you will be called the priests of the Lord;
You will be spoken of as ministers of our God.
You will eat the wealth of nations,
And in their [a]riches you will boast.

It’s interesting because Is 61:7 immediately talks of DOUBLE PORTION, which continues to come up. There’s my two rainbow trout!