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Word of the Lord~ by Amanda Shiflett πŸ’«πŸ’₯πŸ”¨πŸ“ˆ #Prophecy #Shaking #Reconstruction

This will be a year of great shaking, both in the spiritual, and in the natural. I sense many major earthquakes hitting the earth in this year, both here in the US and in other nations of the earth.
The earthquake that hit Honduras this week was one of many significant earthquakes that I believe will hit this year.

Those believers who live in known earthquake zones, and even those who don’t, need to be prepared for what is coming. Be in prayer, be listening to the voice and guidance of the Spirit. If you sense not to go somewhere, don’t go. If you sense to leave somewhere, leave. Pray for the protection of God’s people and their properties! This is not to put anyone in a state of fear, but we need to be aware of what is coming, and as the Church, we need to be prepared. This is not a time of fear, but of faith, and knowing that our God is greater, and can see us through any disaster we may face. Lets continue to apply the blood over ourselves and our families! We need intercessors to stand in the gap in these major earthquake regions, and in many other regions that have not necessarily been known for major earthquakes! There will be many things that will be unearthed and many things that will happen because of these earthquakes. This is a part of the exposing. It is time to listen and heed the voice of the Lord, and be prepared.

In the spirit, this will be a sign of the faulty foundations that will crumble, but His Kingdom will rise where the false foundations once stood. Many things not built on His rule and His Kingdom, but on the kingdoms of man and on their thoughts and plans, will be brought down. This will happen in His church more than any other mountain, although it will happen in all sphere of influence.

Many churches & ministries will falter, and some even fall apart this year, but this is not for utter destruction, but simply so He can rebuild according to His plans. Those who must go through this, do not get discouraged if you are one of these. Do not give up hope or vision. The Lord is shaking everything out into the open, that it may be dealt with, and that His purposes may be revealed in you. There are some things that have been compromised, but He is giving an opportunity for those things to be corrected, reconstructed properly, and set in place according to His blueprints. Only those who will not surrender to His will and His reconstruction, will be brought to ruin, but that is never His purpose. His purpose is for reconstruction and restoring, if they will repent, surrender, and allow Him to do the work in them and their ministries.

The Lord is getting ready to begin a RECONSTRUCTION of much of His house! He will take many structures down to the studs, and others down to the foundation, before He begins to build again. Some things have been tolerated by the Lord for some time, but they were not His plan, and they are no longer serving His purpose, and some never did. Some were the traditions of men, and although they were fine and good in their own way, they have become a stumbling block to His ultimate purpose for His Ekklesia. These things will need to be brought down because they have been made to be too important, and they are hindering the flow of His Spirit. If they are not brought down by leadership, the Lord Himself will deal with them and bring them down. It is time for His Spirit to flow freely once again. If He has to tear everything down, and start again with just the foundation, then He will. Other structures within the Kingdom are faulty even down to the foundation, and they will be completely brought to the ground.

❇The plumbline of the Lord will be released in His house, and everything that does not line up with His structure and His purposes, will be brought down!❇

Now is the time, for the shaking and rebuilding that has begun to come to a pinnacle. He is doing a new thing, and His new wine cannot be contained in old wineskins, so we must embrace all that the Lord has purposed to to in this new era! Your Kingdom come, Your will be done Lord!!

“Now this, β€œYet once more,” indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire.” ~Hebrews 12:27‭-‬29

“For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.” ~ Luke 8:17