Preparing for Battle

It is interesting that I had the dream yesterday about the python spirit attacking a dog in the shallow pond. I watched it from my front porch.

God is giving me an assignment. It is cool how He shows us stuff.

Today, I get this word forwarded to me from Jim Ballew. It is just a bit of a confirmation on what the LORD is setting me up for.

Victory Over Your Enemies:
“Cancel Their Assignments In My Name!”

Victoria Boyson

In this season, the Lord wants to warn and counsel His people to be aware the enemy has made strategic plans against His church. Satanists and those who practice the occult are on a mission around the world to invade our churches and other religious organizations. The enemy is after our prayers and unity. Unfortunately, most Christians have a difficult time even conceiving of the activities of occultists.

In our culture, we have head-knowledge of occult practices and we’re not naive or ignorant. It is just hard for us to think that people are not like us and want to indulge in the demonic. The Lord knows we don’t want to think much about the realms of darkness and those who engage it. That is why He especially wants us to be aware that the enemy is actively sending his people into our churches and prayer meetings.

Obviously, if a church is aware and has knowledge of how to deal with occultism, they will not be as much of a target. Indeed, witches do not want to contend with someone who knows how to deal with them through prayer. It is something that will usually be a negative experience for them. So, it is simpler to target churches who do not have a focus on the spirit-realm, because they’re easier to victimize.

Understandably, most people consider things like satanists, occult or witchcraft as scary and don’t want to think about it, let alone combat it. Or they feel ill-equipped to deal with it, so they choose not to. Well, the good news is something my Mama used to say, “Don’t worry, it’s just a demon.”She said this because she was unafraid. When she detected something in the spirit-realm that was evil in nature, she would simply take authority over and command it to leave. She knew Jesus gave us power to rebuke demons.

Like my Mother, I believe in Ephesians 6:12, “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” As long as we keep our fighting in the realm of the supernatural, we have definite advantage over our enemy.

The enemy wants to keep our thoughts out of the spirit-realm and focus only on the natural realm, because if we fight in it, we are more easily affected by discouragement and confusion. If your pastor, friend or co-worker has suddenly started behaving differently toward you, it’s easy to respond or react in the natural and it can flare into an even bigger problem. However, if, instead of responding to their behavior, we ask for wisdom from the Lord about what is going on with them, we’ll know much better how to deal with it.

Recently, I had a friend ask me for prayer about a situation in her church. Even before our conversation was over, the Lord spoke to my Spirit and said it was an attack from someone in the occult who had targeted a person in leadership. That’s what was causing them to act differently and cause strife. When I said this, they suddenly thought of a person who’d recently begun attending their church. She felt off about it, as if the person was not being genuine in their behavior. This woman had seemed very helpful and wanted to be involved as much as possible and had even given the man in leadership a gift.

Once we realized what the problem was, it was very simple. We took authority over any demonic incantation that would have been placed on the gift (it’s ideal if you can get the person to give up the gift). Then, we canceled the assignment of the enemy over this man and his church.

As a person who’s filled with the Spirit and a light to her church, my friend was a prime target for witchcraft and she’d begun having serious pain in her back. The enemy knows even better than we do who is a real threat to him and if he can take out those who are full of the light of Christ, things will get much worse for the rest of the church.

Cancel the Assignments of the Enemy
Unfortunately, many Christians are intimidated by things of this nature. Under the influence of fear, they feel powerless to fight it. They seem to have more faith in the powers of darkness than they do the power of God. Yet, if we see they are just people like us and they’ve been given an assignment over a certain area or organization, we can battle the assignment rather then the person.

For instance, we started a church last fall and we knew going into the area there were principalities and assignments against it. We discerned there were three witches in the area who’d held that region of the city under their spiritual authority. In united prayer, we spoke into the atmosphere that in the name of Jesus we CANCELED the assignments of the enemy that had taken hold of that location. The first two witches gave up rather quickly, yet there was a man that wanted to hold on. As weeks went by, we continued to cancel the assignments given him and commanded him to leave the area, but we also started to pray for him as a human being. We prayed for his salvation and deliverance. It was then that several of our group had visions of him being physically impacted by our simple prayers.

Our prayers were something like this: In Jesus name, I cancel every assignment of witchcraft, occult or satanism over this area. In Jesus name, every demonic assignment over this region is over and done, and every dark power is made powerless and broken and I command it to leave at once.

We commanded them to leave the area in Jesus’ name. We then asked God to send His Power and Love to them and most of all, for them to have a fear of God. We asked Heavenly Father to show them that GOD’S power is the ONE TRUE POWER on earth.

It was literally only a matter of weeks before the area began to look and feel much lighter. Beauty and light came and we no longer felt any witches remained. Others who’d known the area for years, told us they felt a positive change.

The enemy wants us to believe that rebuking demons is difficult, but the difficult part is living the life of faith in God and being rightly aligned with Him. If we are in God’s will, all we do is say what He wants us to say and watch Him go to work. It is not scary or difficult, because the reality is that none of us can do anything to impact the enemy except when we do what God tells us to do. The power is His, He does it all, not us. We just open our mouths and walk in obedience to His leading.

Sometimes, when praying for someone, I will sense there is a demonic presence oppressing or harassing them. They often come and ask for prayer for pain, fatigue etc. But there problem isn’t a natural one but a supernatural one. So, I will pray and break off the ASSIGNMENT OF THE ENEMY and command it to go. Often, I do not even tell them what I saw. I will just watch it go and they feel relieved.

Witchcraft in the Church
There’s been a great deal of teaching about “Christian witchcraft” in the church, which is Christians who are oppressed or possessed by demons of witchcraft through Christians, these demons release curses with negative effects on other believers. Unfortunately, I see this a lot.

Indeed, these people have demonic assignments given to them as well, but, in their case, they believe the Lord has called or assigned them to a church, etc. They come in and are often helpful and flattering, but eventually they will begin to find fault. Maybe they start with something small, but sooner or later, in their eyes, nothing you do will be good or right. Under the control of a demonic spirit, they are led to accuse, slander and lie in the name of Jesus, often even using phrases like, “God told me this about you.” They call down so-called judgments of God, which are actually the desires of demons. It is honestly difficult to think about the amount of damage done by those who carry out the orders of evil spirits, all the while thinking they are being led by God.

At the very least, this is annoying to deal with, but sometimes they can really devastate your confidence, cause strife and spread slander. In dealing with individuals like this, everyone will be different. If you feel someone is being used in this way, the first thing to do is go to God and ask Him about it. Sometimes, He’s told me to confront that person and stand strong against their attack against me, but other times (in fact, many times) He’s told me to give it to Him and He will take care of it.

Often, when we encounter people like this, God uses it as a tool to teach us how they operate, I call it warfare 101. Don’t be alarmed by them, just go to God and ask Him to teach you. Praying for them and canceling the assignments of darkness against your life is effective. Also, pray for them to be overcome by the LOVE and TRUTH of God. However, for them to be truly free from this spirit, deliverance is needed. Always stay humbly close to the Father and He will guide your way.

Presiding Powers
We all long for revival and for the Father to pour Himself out on us, but before He’ll send an outpouring to an area, He will require us to break up spiritual ground. Jeremiah 4:3-4 says, “For thus saith the LORD to the men of Judah and Jerusalem, Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns. Circumcise yourselves to the LORD, and take away the foreskins of your heart.”

God was telling them to humble themselves, turn away from idol worship and return to Him. The soil of their hearts had become hardened because they’d worshiped (or feared, revered, venerated) other gods. The idols they worshiped had no real power, but by worshiping them, they opened up the door for demonic principalities to come and take up the presiding authority in their lives. We do similar things when we fear the powers of darkness more than we respect the authority and power of God.

When we repent before God and ask Him to cleanse our hearts, to show us anything in us that is unclean, it is just like a farmer who plows steadily through a field that’s been forgotten and beaten down until the soil is hard like rock. His plow is heavy and sharp and it cuts through the hard ground until it is beautifully broken and ready for seeding. Circumcising our hearts is God’s way of asking us to surrender ourselves to His spiritual surgery and trust Him to cut away the hardness of pride and self-righteousness. We need to cry out for a SPIRIT OF REPENTANCE to fill our churches and nation. Repentance is power!

Asking Him to reveal the sins we’ve excused opens our hearts for the good seed of heaven to be sown in us. Without tearing up the hardness in our hearts, the things of God will seem boring and unimportant. In prayer, we can break up the fallow ground of the area God’s called us to intercede for through repentance.

When we were interceding for the area around our church, the Father showed us the importance and power of repentance. He would show us different issues that had caused a severe hardness to come over the region and opened it up to the government of demonic principalities and powers. By standing in the gap, we repented to the Father for sins committed by humans and asked God to rain His blessings on the land. We discovered agreements with darkness like satanism and occult (idol worship), cruelty committed against people in the name of God, deeply held racist acts (hangings, etc) and truly, it broke our hearts. We felt the heavy weight these sins had brought against the region and we cried out to God for mercy.

After repentance, we drove out the principalities that came because of sin and asked the Father to make His Spirit the prevailing Spirit in the area. He gave us words to declare over the land that were to be its new spiritual identity. And then God began to bring people to us from that area, who are beautiful treasures to us.

You Have Been Prepared
For many centuries, the governing principalities have felt incredible power through their occultist practices, but there is no way to over emphasize the effect PRAYER has against satanism. Prayer is literally the only hope for America and the world. Satan has his followers, missionaries and prophets too. They are convinced that serving evil will make them powerful. They enjoy watching the effects they can have on Christians through witchcraft; they feel unstoppable.

Over the past months and years, they’ve seen the church rise up and pray in a way they’ve not seen before and it’s terrified them. They suddenly feel out of control, so to combat it, they’ve actively launched assaults against Christians and praying churches. The only hope they have of gaining back the control they had is to stop our prayers.

My goal is to inform, empower and not cause fear, but Father has warned me that the next two years will be a tremendous battle. We will see incredible breakthroughs in the Spirit, but we will also see things we never imaged we would see. We will be VICTORIOUS, but the enemy will stop at nothing to stop the move of God that is about to be released on the earth. Those who serve him will do whatever vile and despicable thing they must to try and stop God’s movement. They have already been committing the most revolting acts to conjure up dark powers to turn back the Saints of God. Our heavenly Father is exposing them, but we have to be aware of this, so we will not be shaken by it.

Our eyes must be securely on our heavenly Father; our trust must be indelibly rooted in Him and Him alone. He is the ONLY GOD. He is our CREATOR and as we serve Him, He’s given us power through prayer to conquer principalities and evil powers. Papa God is awakening His bride to the power we have in prayer and teaching us to take authority over the supernatural realm, implementing the government of heaven on the earth.

The enemy would have you believe you are powerless, but you are absolutely NOT POWERLESS! You are truly a weapon of mass destruction to the enemy! And where two or more are gathered in HIS NAME, you’ve got an army and the enemy’s worst nightmare! (Mt. 18:20).

Today is the day you’ve waited for, and truly, this is your hour. For such a time as this, YOU HAVE BEEN PREPARED by the Father and HE will give you VICTORY OVER YOUR ENEMIES! (Es. 4:14). Stay alert! Stay humble! And, most of all, SMILE, for you are the light of the world! (Mt. 5:14)

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Speaking Schedule
10:30am Every Sunday
Faith Church
Conroe, TX
More Information

VICTORIA BOYSON is co-pastor of Faith Church Conroe, in Conroe Tx. And is the founder of Victoria Boyson Ministries and Women of Impact Ministries. She is dedicated to raising up an army of powerfully equipped believers who will revolutionize their world and bring in the harvest. She is passionate about the church operating in extraordinary authority Christ won for them and to awaken believers to their victorious reality. Through revelations of the Holy Spirit and the Word, she and her family are breaking down strongholds which have kept the church from fully realizing the great commission.

She’s been writing for the prophetic ministry the Elijah List since 2004 and before that has worked for the Ministries of Francis Frangipane. Along with her husband, she’s worked in pastoral ministry since 1992 and travels and speaks throughout the US.

Based out of the Houston, Texas area, she lives with her husband and together they have 4 grown children. She is the author of REVOLUTION: The White Horse Rider, God’s Magnum Opus: The Value of a Women, AWAKENING: The Deep Sleep, His Passionate Pursuit and The Birth of Your Destiny.