Dream: Cindy Jacobs Prays for Me

I dreamed that I was a conference. Cindy Jacobs was there.
Before the first day began, she took note of me and came up to me. She prayed impartation/commissioning over me.
I was on the floor with lightning going through me. She kept coming back and praying/releasing more.
The second day, again, before things got started, Cindy saw me and prayed. I was on the floor again. I believe she poured oil all over me. At one point, I was lying on my face. She limbed on my back and stretched herself out on me – like Elijah did on that dead kid. Fire was all over me. I just shook.
It was like the conference was now being held up while she ministered to me.
When I felt the fire finally leave, I crawled around the crowd.
Finally, I got up and stood near where she was praying for someone else. It was like I was now her protege.
She asked me if she could give me her card for us to stay in contact but didnt have one. I gave her mine and wrote my cell phone number on it. She was becoming a spiritual “mama” to me.