
It’s time. Great word and in line with the 11:11 I keep seeing.

Current numbers are 808, 414, 1111 and even 717 still. Oh and 919.

It’s Prime Time

By: Pat Helder

I believe the Lord has spoken and said, “it’s Prime Time!”  I have been feeling unsettled the last month or so, and it seems to be increasing as the days go on.

I ordered a watch several weeks ago now, and to my dismay the postal service couldn’t find me.  I had moved to a new location for the winter months and therefore they had no “recollection” of who I was when the mail came in.  Needless to say the watch was sent back to Amazon and there I was without “time” so to speak.  I had been asking the Lord, “when should I order another watch?”  My hunt for a watch had been unsuccessful as I knew what I wanted, and the only one I had any desire for was the one I previously had ordered.

I have never wanted a “man’s watch” so to speak but this time around I really want a large one, like a man’s size watch.  When I looked once again at the one I really wanted, I noticed that on the back of the watch was a face of a lion!  I was able to buy it because Amazon had a special for two days only- Prime Free Two-Day Shipping. That night at 3 am I was lying in my bed and all I heard was, “it’s Prime Time! It’s the hour of the watch-man to arise and shout out “It’s  Time!”

The waiting hours are over!  It’s time to move forward into your healing; into your provision; into your reconciliation; into your recompense; and into your restoration.  It’s time to shout into the Heavenlies those things that we have been waiting for!  It’s not too late! You can still shout them out. The Father is waiting to hear your voice watch-man!

There is a heavenly transition about to be birthed. It is not just a birthing of a season but of an era.  It has not been an easy time; but one of huge transitions for many people.  It’s been unsettling at times, and even unnerving at the best of times, but the fullness of the time of transition is at hand.

11:11- it’s the end of the eleventh hour and He is doubling our history with Him. It is a time to tighten the relationship with Him. Keeping your internal conversation with the Father a high priority.

 I also believe it’s time for the David group— those who are still awake who will release the cry, “It’s Time!” to awaken the rest of the church.  Be anticipating and expecting! Signs and wonders will fill the earth!  Be part of the remnant contending for the awakening of the Bride—worldwide!

2 Corinthians 5:11- “Since we are those who stand in holy awe of the Lord, we make it our passion to persuade others to turn to him!”  See yourself as Jesus sees you; his garden to build his Kingdom.  Reconcile people back to God with your timely voice.