I set out to do a 21 day fast, but as it turns out, I believe that the LORD had it be just a week.
My dreams opened up again quite a bit. And, I had several words from folks praying for me.
So when t spoke to the Lord about you I heard Him say that there were assignments on you to discourage you in your destiny. He wanted me to tell you to remember that you carry His DNA and this has only been temporary! What the devil uses to destroy you Papa God will use to excel and row you into your destiny.
I see a shift into a transition of love and servant hood. Forgiveness is rising on your spirt. You will not stay or feel defeated!
I declare that the Holy Spirit in this season is rising up in you! It is a fire that will quench your spirit like rivers of living waters. The fire you are in will purify you and launch you into a greater love for my people! And you will accomplish all that Papa God has called you to.
The Lord says humble yourself in my sight. Spend much time in worship. Be intimate with me and commune with me. Come to me and I will show you great and might things which you do not know. As you soak with me I reveal my great love for my precious son. I love you. Learn from the past and release it. Guilt must go. Look forward my son. You are mine, my beloved!
Today is a new day. The enemy is defeated and you walk in my victory! I so love you!
Jesus and Sandi
So far, whenever I pray for you, this is the verse I receive for you. I’m sure you’ve read it a thousand times, but I sense this is a strategy God is giving you for encouragement. You will receive what He has promised; persevere through the times you believe you lack faith. Seek Him even when you don’t want to. Worship Him even when when you aren’t sure He is real. Muster faith even when faith seems nowhere to be found. His Spirit lives in you regardless of how you “feel”. You’ve known He lives in you and you have experienced Him. Recall those times.
Still praying for you, my brother!
Abundant blessings,
Vicki Finney
Hey buddy. I hope you are doing well, and that your extended fast resulted in goodness for you and your relationship with the Lord. I have been in the mountains for a few weeks, mostly disconnected from the world while I landscape our yard in Crawford.
I saw your message and wanted to check in before I head back to Boulder on Wednesday. Let me know if you want to talk.
Love you John Stein, and thankful to hear from you!
Hi John,I will be praying for you. I am experiencing a lot of the things you have described.It has been a long hard discouraging journey for sure. But I know it is important for our character developmentand preparation for what I believe are the good things ahead. All that is easier said than navigatedday to day though.
Blessings of peace and joy,
John, I am and will be praying for you. You have always been an amazing inspiration to me. You are a gifted person I have witnessed it. Seek the giver not the gift. I heard this recently and it hits home. Seek him and he will not let you down. You changed my life John. I will always remember how you gifted me my practice and taught me trust and the understanding of the Holy Spirit and trust. Bless You and seek the giver.
I will be praying for you this weekend. You were born for the miracles and the prophetic and releasing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Something is going to break during this fast. Expect to see differently. Expect to hear differently. Expect God!
Love you.
Hi John,
I sincerely understand the dry spell. I was probably worse than the prodigal son during 2018-2019. Went through long dry spell myself prior to my pneumonia-covid with blood clots episode but God is faithful.
Will definitely lift you up in prayer as it is God’s will to restore your soul and lead you into greener pastures. Keep your chin up and keep looking to the hills HE is just being silent during the testing. Yes, I flunked the first test but HE gives do overs!
Keep seeking, He’ll answer!
Your friend forever!
Hi John
Good to hear from you. Howdy!
I’m sorry that you have been going through a bit of a dry spell. Never a happy place.
There’s a tendency for folk doing it tough to avoid people who might be the very ones to bring encouragement. Loneliness seems to magnify discouragement.
So glad you reached out to me.
Must be time for another coffee and a fishing chat. 😄
I would enjoy getting together with you sometime soon, and in the meantime will be praying encouragement and joy for you.
Let’s stay in touch.
Love and blessings!
David Crabtree
Hi John,
I will definitely be in prayer for you. In the past six months, I have
experiences some of what you are going through, so I believe I can pray with
a level of faith in restoration that others may not be able to. It is a
hard season for many of us, but none of it comes as a surprise to our loving
Father or our Mighty Savior. I know you already know this, but the enemy is
working his hardest to get us to fall into disbelief, as his time is running
out. I gladly lock my shield of faith with yours and will stand by your
side in this fight, John.
Thank you for reaching out. Keep me posted as you work through this. I
will definitely let you know if I receive anything for you.
Abundant blessings,
Vicki Finney