Posted by Johnny Enlow
A word from my friend, Scott Allen, I think you’ll like…
As the vision gradually came into view, I was on the beach with Jesus reclining with Him. I asked Holy Spirit to show me more. Then Jesus began to create something with His thoughts. And in front of us a cloud appeared about four feet in diameter that I knew was some kind of portal. Then to my amazement, I floated up laying flat, rotated head first, and went into the cloud. Where was I going? What was on the mind of the Lord?
After a few minutes I saw Jesus walking ahead of me on a clear day. He turned around and with His right hand He beckoned me to follow Him. So I started walking behind Him on a trail up a hill. I knew this was the mountain of the Lord, and it was gradually rising. (Isaiah 2:2)
Soon the trail led us along a steep high cliff. I looked down below me at blue ocean waves crashing on the rocks several hundred feet below. This was a narrow trail and we were walking within a couple of feet of the edge!! Whew I thought, this is dangerous! So I stayed close behind Jesus knowing I was safe following Him.
After a while the trail turned inland and we continued to walk up the hill through a beautiful forest. As Jesus and I approached a flowing stream, the trail turned to the left. But Jesus walked straight ahead and over the stream seemingly on air! I followed right behind Him and crossed too!! I glanced back and marveled that we had crossed some kind of invisible bridge in the spirit realm!
The trail continued ahead of us toward a steep slope of the mountain and turned left again. Jesus did not turn and walked straight into the mountain! I did likewise and looked back amazed at what had just happened. We had just walked through an invisible opening in the mountain! I thought, “Surely no one is ever going to find this place without following Jesus!”
Jesus continued walking into the mountain through a dimly lit tunnel. I stuck close behind and began to wonder, “Where are we going?”
It wasn’t long before we entered a large room. There were rows of what looked like some kind of control stations. One long table had several control consoles each with an office chair, control keyboard, and screen-type device. Jesus motioned me to step up next to Him, so I could see them in more detail.
Each “screen” actually looked like a seismograph that scientists use to measure the intensity of earthquakes. The writing needles on them were vibrating violently up and down with intense shakings. One control console was labeled, “Arts and Entertainment.” The console next to that one was labeled, “Government.” Then another labeled “Business & Economy”. Another labeled “Media.” The next one “Education”, the next one “Family”, and the next one “Religion.”
Jesus explained, “This is the mountain of the Lord and this is the headquarters where We influence nations and cultures. We have decided that now is the time for everything that can be shaken to be shaken.” (Hebrews 12:25-28). He encouraged me to examine each control panel screen. All the sensitive writing needles were moving up and down violently, and I knew great shaking from the hand of God was taking place all over the earth!!
I noticed there was another screen on the right hand end of the row of consoles. It’s writing needle was shaking a little bit but not very much. I wondered what was this one? Knowing my thoughts Jesus turned toward the console and a label appeared on the it that said, “Luciferian Kingdom.” Jesus explained with a determined tone,“It is time for Us to shake this kingdom. All those who secretly worship Lucifer, drink blood, participate in occult rituals, operate in witchcraft, offer human sacrifices to Satan, participate in pedophilia and human trafficking, start wars, release plagues … all for power, wealth , and world domination … these are about to be shaken.”
Jesus pulled out the chair at the newly identified console and motioned for me to sit down. I could feel a weight of responsibility and resolve as I settled into the chair. The control console had a big black and silver control dial that had a scale written on it of 1 to 12. “The number of divine government”, I softly mumbled. It was currently set between the 1 and 2 position. And not much shaking was going on in the Luciferian Kingdom. Sitting on the desktop was something like a microphone to speak into. The top of it swirled like a clear clean cloud in a small sphere … something for the spirit realm, I guessed.
Jesus, still standing to my left, leaned down with one hand on the table top and the other hand on the arm of the chair I was in, looked me in the eye, and asked, “Do you believe you are in Me?” I immediately replied, “Yes Lord.” As soon as I spoke those words, Jesus stepped over me and sat down! I was inside Jesus sitting in that chair! He became see-throughish at that moment.
Then Jesus said, “Speak as I give you utterance.” I turned and faced the console. Looking down at the control dial on the desk top, I wanted to turn it up from a 2 to a 12 with my hand. Jesus said, “I want to gradually turn it up to a 7 in this season. And no need to touch the dial. Just face the console and speak.”
I opened my mouth and these words suddenly boomed out…. “From where I am seated in Christ Jesus at the right hand of the Father, THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY SAYS THE TIME HAS COME FOR THE LUCIFERIAN KINGDOM TO BE SHAKEN!! I DECREE … LET THE GREAT SHAKING OF ALL WHO WORSHIP LUCIFER BEGIN!!!” As I spoke that, the writing needle on the control screen started shaking much more. I looked down and the control dial had moved by itself up to a 3!!
Immediately I felt resistance in the kingdom of darkness. So God continued to speak through me, “YOUR SORCERIES AND SACRIFICES WILL NOT HELP YOU! YOUR PROTECTION IS REMOVED!! LET THE SHAKING OF THE LUCIFERIAN KINGDOM INCREASE!!!” The needles on the screen started vibrating up and down in even greater intensity and magnitude! I noticed the control dial moved up between the 3 and 4. And those who had sold their souls to the devil now were experiencing shaking by the hand of God all around them!
They thought they were going to win their quest for a one world order. They had been so successful taking over the mountains of most of the world cultures with their scheming and manipulations for many years. They thought they were going to win and God didn’t care … until now!
Confusion broke out in their camp, communications broke down, their evil unity was broken for the first time, and they began to fight among themselves. Their evil plans and strategies began to fall apart. Desperately they cried out to Lucifer for help, but this time things got worse! They scrambled to rescue their failing operations around the world, but to no avail.
Things they had financed with dark money all continued to fall apart. Governments, media, and corporations they had controlled for years began to turn their backs on them in droves! Violence and perversion in families started decreasing with peace arising in them! Revival broke out in the church! Everywhere, Satan’s grip on the seven mountains of culture started to come loose!! THE GREAT SHAKING OF THE LUCIFERIAN KINGDOM WAS FINALLY ON!! ALL AT THE THUNDERING OF THE VOICE OF GOD ALMIGHTY!!!
Finally, everything that could be shaken was being shaken. It was the worst of times and the best of times. Millions had wondered when will God judge the wicked? The turbulence was intense but hope began to rise all over the world. Nations were breaking free from many years of bondage to the secret worshipers of Satan!! I was so encouraged! And I knew God will shake the Luciferian Kingdom even more in the days ahead … Hallelujah!!
Marveling at what was unfolding on the earth, I rose up out of the chair and out of Jesus into a realm I don’t understand. It was like I was in some kind of suspended animation in the spirit realm. Then suddenly I drifted out of the portal Jesus sent me through at the start of the encounter, and I was back on the beach with Jesus! I floated down next to Him. He put His arm around me, kissed me on the right side of my head, and said, “Good job son!” The vision ended and I was stunned!
COMMENTS: Tears welled up in my eyes realizing what an awesome privilege it is to be one of the sons of God … purchased by the blood of Jesus, and filled with His Holy Spirit!! We can do all things through Christ “in Him!” Thank You Lord for making a way for your sons and daughters to represent You on this earth!!
As I pondered the significance of this encounter, I heard the Lord say, “In this vision you represent all my sons and daughters. Filled with the Spirit and knowing they are seated in Me at the right hand of the Father, they can join you in speaking what We are decreeing in this hour.”
So together as one in Him, let’s do it and speak in unity from the mountain of God (say it out loud) …