I have been working hard on BCH. It is time to bring a level of professionalism to the game. We increased our ad budget to 2,400 per month. Those are real numbers. We are on a waiting list for even more.
The payback has been good. We need to polish how we handle the leads. That is in process.
LORD, when does Jen leave home depot?
I have another possible consulting deal coming up. $95/hr, 3 days a week is my goal. 6 mos. I will spend 2 days with BCH and trout prophets.
We are at a low point for money. I am not worried. God WILL provide.
Isaiah has changed our agreement yet again – unilaterally, after signing it. He has lied. You want justice. Instead I will choose mercy. And, I will forgive him. Bless him, LORD.
It is a time to really trust. It is a time for faith.
Our house church is really going well. And, there is a lot of warfare over it. A lot.
We have clsoe to 10 folks now. Bless it LORD.