Serveral things: the cocoon season is over. Glory. Those are the things God has been speaking to me for a while.
“God brings them out of Egypt, He is for them like the horns of the wild ox” (Numbers 23:22).
A few weeks ago I had a dream where I was in a church cathedral when suddenly a wild ox broke in and began running about knocking things over upsetting and interrupting the service, before knocking over some kind of sacred altar down the front. Then I followed the ox as it ran down the street and continued to wreak havoc tearing through buildings and statues, monuments, and man-made achievements. When I woke up I knew in my spirit that the Holy Spirit was highlighting what He was about to unleash upon the Body of Christ and had been planning for us to step into. Interestingly, exactly a year ago my book The Wild Ones was released and with it, the Lord spoke to me about the wild ox anointing that these new breed people would rise up in.
In my dream, the ox was both tearing down the altars of religion and the altars of man. It was violently assaulting the spiritual strongholds of powerlessness and counterfeit spirituality and also the high places of man’s achievements, kingdoms, empires, and worldly values. This is the anointing upon the Elijah generations—that are called to turn nations back to God—and that is where we are at right now. We are at a turning point and extreme tension. We are at the height of the battle in every way between the devices of darkness and the great returning of nations. We are leaving Egypt and there is a generation of wild oxen leading the way. The nations are raging but 2023 is going to be a year of significant advancement.
“From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence, and violent people have been raiding it”
(Matthew 11:12).
For days after this dream, I kept hearing these phrases in my spirit: “The Revolution is about to begin!” and “Here come the revolutionaries!”
The word Revolution means:
rev· o· lu· tion | re-və-ˈlü-shən
: the action by a celestial body of going around in an orbit or elliptical course.
: the apparent movement of such a body around the earth.
: the time taken by a celestial body to make a complete round in its orbit.
: the rotation of a celestial body on its axis.
: completion of a course (as of years).
: the period made by the regular succession of a measure of time or by a sequence of similar events.
: a progressive motion of a body around an axis so that any line of the body parallel to the axis returns to its initial position while remaining parallel to the axis in transit and usually at a constant distance from it.
: motion of any figure about a center or axis.
: a revolution of a right triangle about one of its legs generates a cone.
: a sudden, radical, or complete change.
: a fundamental change in a political organization.
especially: the overthrow or renunciation of one government or ruler and the substitution of another by the governed.
: activity or movement designed to effect fundamental changes in the socioeconomic situation.
: a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something.
: a change of paradigm
: the Copernican Revolution
: a changeover in use or preference especially in technology.
When I asked the Lord for an example in the Bible of this He led me to the life of John the Baptist who came at the turning of an era and covenant! He wore wild animal fur and was sent to shake up both the Church and the nation, and prepare the way for Jesus—the very thing we have been called to. If you are wondering what you are called to do in 2023, look no further. Prepare the way. Reveal Jesus in the earth.
Why am I sharing this? I believe this anointing is available and is necessary for us leading into 2023. For months I have felt a stirring in my spirit to not just share a word but to prophesy INTO you a word that will be very gelignite you need to propel you into position for the year ahead and arm you with what you need. Hearing a word is powerful but I want to impart a word to you—and the very gift, anointing, and blessing that comes with it. In Romans 1:11 Paul says;
“I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong.”
The word impart here metadidómi means “to give over or to share,” and in essence, the very substance of the giver is transferred upon the receiver. This word I want to prophesy over you today is this very thing. It is something the Holy Spirit has instructed me to do apostolically and prophetically to get you primed and ready for the new chapter we are crossing over into. So now I have shared this, do you want it? Are you ready?
Put your hands out as you read this next part. Let me prophesy and release the word of the Lord over you.
In 2023;
- Your preparation and cocoon season is over and God will begin to call you out of the hiding and metamorphoses you have been in.
- Your heart surgery season is coming to end and you will begin to feel a new lease on life where you have waded through a hard season of facing mounted-up trauma and disillusionment.
- Things that didn’t connect suddenly will and doors that closed will begin to reopen in a new way.
- What God asked you to surrender and lay on the shelf will come back around again.
- You will move out of limbo and leave the waiting room.
- The red tape holding you back and in a place of forced dormancy will break and you will have options you didn’t have.
- You will go from feeling no wind on your back to feeling a fresh gale of Heaven pushing you into your new assignment and position.
- You will go from feeling caged to feeling a fresh breaker anointing on your feet and voice.
- You won’t keep going around the same fruitless mountain but begin to throw those mountains into the sea!
- You will get the green light and move out of the holding pattern of the last few years in Jesus’ name!
In 2023;
- You will begin a time of seeing the fulfillment of promises God showed you years ago that haven’t come to pass.
- You will finally lose the numbing grief of hope deferred that has stolen your joy and vision for the future.
- You will see fruit and a harvest in the areas that have been most contended by the enemy.
- You will see sudden advancement where you have been assailed by constant delay and blockages.
- You will experience trees of life and longings fulfilled and it will birth in you a desire to press onwards where in 2022 you lost your motivation and enthusiasm.
- You will see hope deferred break, especially in the areas of location/purpose, people/relationships, and finances, in Jesus’ name!
In 2023;
- You will enter the beginning of a new cycle beginning and an old cycle coming to completion.
- The cycles are 3, 7, and 11 years where pioneering seasons have completed their full revolution and a new cycle is beginning.
- There will be major closures and major openings.
- You will see God bring finality to cycles that have not brought the results or expectations many had wanted.
- There will be many repeated opportunities that seemed lost or where you felt you failed.
- There will be a fresh reset of the clock in many places you felt you missed it.
- God will restore the years that the locust ate, in Jesus’ name!
In 2023;
- The wilderness and the fringe are being highlighted by Heaven and there is movement in the ranks of the displaced and outcasted. Your number is being called for this new chapter.
- You will feel the Father’s spotlight and favor upon you and all words of disapproval falling off you.
- Those who felt muzzled and oppressed by the enemy are going to break out of the stocks.
- Long-standing yokes and agreements are going to break.
- Family strongholds keeping you in bondage to the past will no longer hold you.
- You will finally move on from the daily chatter of witchcraft and find it is no longer even on your radar.
- You will feel like Elijah in the cave—once in fear and afraid—you will wrap your mantle around your face and move on with your odyssey.
- The mantle of courage and boldness is going to wrap itself around you and untangle you from the fear of man.
- Religious shackles keeping you from fulfilling your calling are going to come undone.
- Demonic torment will leave once and for all.
- You will accept your voice and permission to be the voice you were called to be.
- The global changing of the guard will manifest itself personally in your own life where you will begin to operate prophetically, apostolically, or in other offices, you didn’t before.
- You won’t let the old wineskin church define you or your next season.
- You will feel the very zealousness of Jesus overtake your life and you will both fall deeper in love with the Church but like a wayward bride, you will call her to account.
- Jezebel’s reign and bullying over your life ends, in Jesus’ name!
In 2023;
- God is giving you the mantle of JEHU to violently and unapologetically confront Jezebel in every place you encounter her.
- You will no longer lose days, weeks, opportunities, relationships, or influence to Jezebel’s games.
- You will no longer tolerate this spirit in any form or fashion or bow to her culturally acceptable forms but you will throw her down into the streets like JEHU.
- You won’t allow the mixture to bring confusion, double-mindedness, or conflict to your voice or taint your purity.
- You will be a deliverer of those who are bound and you will effortlessly set captives free.
- You will enter bound environments and call it out and bring freedom.
- You will call prophetic companies—who have begun to tolerate Jezebel—back into line and repent for giving her voice.
- You will not let culture define your values or control your emotions but you will call evil evil and good good.
- You will call down fire from Heaven over cities and regions under this spirit of Jezebel, in Jesus’ name!
In 2023;
- You will tear down old wineskin mindsets and bbq sacred cows that have been elevated.
- You will expose the counterfeits that are not true Kingdom and point the Church back to the authentic.
- You will call out the demonic and pluck out the roots of deep-seated lies.
- You will evict principalities from regions and usher in the Spirit where darkness once dwelled.
- You will live by the blueprint on the inside of you and not the powerless formulas of man.
- You will finally put bricks and mortar to the ideas and dreams God has written on your heart.
- You will build the new house of God from the ground up.
- You will build family before ministry and see your home thrive before anything else you build.
- You will come into a season of building your own house and what has been laid in ruins will be established.
- You will be fortified and immovable regardless of what happens around you in the world.
- The shaking in the nations will not reinforce fear but only cause you to lean deeper into your reformational jacket, in Jesus’ name!
In 2023;
- You will be mantled afresh for something you didn’t see coming.
- You will have a jacket thrown around you that you didn’t ask for or expect but it will be a global calling beyond the local or limited place you have been in.
- Like Elisha, you will leave your old oxen behind and burn the plow you have been holding.
- You will be sent out. So be prepared and get ready!
- God is anointing you as His heralds of truth in the nations—to share the gospel and set the captives free.
- You will untie the knots of demonic propaganda and open the eyes of the blind.
- You will be a voice for what is on God’s heart and you will speak it without fear.
- You will not be moved by persecution or swayed by what man says or does to you but you will live for the audience of One, in Jesus’ name!
In 2023;
- You will see what the years of opposition were over and what the season of preparation and personal revival were for.
- You will ruffle religious feathers and dethrone false kings from seats of authority.
- You will be more undignified in your worship of Jesus in the face of woke Christianity.
- You will be unapologetic in your call to both the Church and all spheres of influence.
- You will move, act, and multiply because of your obedience.
- Everywhere place your feet touch will experience revival.
- You will plant and establish movements.
- You will mobilize disciples.
- You will muster the wild horses and break off apathy.
- You will speak what the Father is saying.
- You will be the movement you were called to be, in Jesus’ name!
Lord, I ask right now that You would baptize us in the Spirit of Holiness and raging fire and anoint us afresh with the revolutionary anointing that brings nations to their knees and reveals Jesus in the earth, in Jesus’ name!
rectify / verb / ˈrek.tɪ.faɪ To set right. To correct or adjust. To refine or purify. I heard the Lord say loudly “I will rectify!” “I will set it right. I will settle the debt. I will clear the overheads. I will bring closure to what has been chasing you. I will bring divine order and justice where there’s been injustice and chaos. I will ensure that the score is settled!” says the Lord. As I heard these words I saw a period of time we were heading into; a season of weights and balances and divine justice after a season where the enemy has wreaked havoc on the righteous and tried to take them out. Many right now are heading into Christmas and the New Year feeling sore and like something feels majorly off. It’s more than just the weariness of the year, battle fatigue, or hope deferred, it’s the grievous feeling on the inside that the balances are out. But in the next few weeks and months, there is going to be both personal and public rectification that we will see take place. Personal vindication and public exoneration. PERSONAL RECTIFICATION Then I heard the Lord say: “I’m also bringing rectification to you personally. I’m rectifying that which has worked against you. I’m settling the debts that have been incurred against you—where your name is being dragged through the mud, where you’ve been slimed. I am bringing justice to your house! There is going to be a snowball effect that takes place, just as one begins so the rest will follow. “I am setting right that which has been out of order and out of balance in your life. Watch as I begin to correct the foundations the enemy tried to tilt and the building blocks he wanted to be fractured. I am straightening out the messy and the confusing, the convoluted and the crooked. “I am dealing with the assignment of identity assassination that has been sent to take out those on the frontlines and drive them into the wilderness of deep brokenness and depression. I will tear up the papers they served you and their lists of demonic statements from the pits of hell that in no way represent who I called you to be. Their words and witchcraft shall be revealed as a plot and ploy of the enemy’s making and they will feel ashamed for participating in his games. Yes, I will restore the years the locust ate and weigh up the scales! What you have lost in finances, joy, and in relationships shall come back to you!” “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten” (Joel 2:25). As I heard this I also saw a picture of homes and felt that the Lord was restoring homes and inheritances that were lost or stolen. RECTIFYING DELAY “Watch as I restore what was stolen through delay and seasons of red tape and bureaucracy. Watch as I bring back around the doors and opportunities that the enemy stole from you, that caused your heart to become sick with disappointment. Watch as I speed up the process and fast-track what has been held up in the heavens. The prince of Persia has been contending against your breakthrough but rectification and release have come! “Watch now as doors swing wide open and that which has been shut will be presented to you.” RECTIFYING GLOBAL PLOTS & PLANS I heard the Lord say: “You will see that which has been hidden and concealed in the global sphere begin to be exposed and revealed. You are going to see what has been impure and evil will be unveiled for the world to see. Right now the cracks are beginning to show and I, the Lord, am going to lay out their hidden plans and the depths of their surrender to the evil one. Demonic allegiances and alliances will be shown—even in the Church! People who once served Me but now serve mammon and the gods of this world will be revealed. Look for the Freudian slips that begin to peel back the facade being portrayed because I am going to expose the heart of man’s ambition, hunger for power, and those who have inflicted pain and death to achieve it. “2023 will be a year where the reign of darkness loses its grip because the Church is going to crawl out of the pit of powerlessness and defeat and take back what was stolen. It will be a year where I not only restore but I will raise up a people who will cry out ‘restore’ and call forth their nations out of the yokes of bondage and oppression. “I will rectify. I will set right. Watch me do this.” “But this is a people plundered and looted; they are all of them trapped in holes and hidden in prisons; they have become plunder with none to rescue, spoil with none to say, ‘Restore!’” (Isaiah 42:22).
2022 was the year you had to die to live—it was the trial by fire that left NOTHING except what was needed for the new day dawning. You didn’t just leave the old wineskin, it had to be stripped from your heart, mind, and soul, and left in the dirt behind you. It was a year of your will having to break and bend to His, and your dreams, goals, and ideals surrendered so you had the capacity to be given His dreams and vision. It was the year when the golden calf of ministry had to be barbecued publicly—along with its idols and gimmicks—to make way for a people whose only reward is Jesus. The old, inauthentic, and expired and the Ichabod church is breathing its last breath. 2022 was the year when faith was tested Many pioneers who were looking for a glorious triumph found themselves in the thick of battle over the promise and the great disparity between fulfillment and the grievous hope deferred that was beginning to entrench their hearts. It was a year where the eyes of the Holy Spirit brooded over His people to see who would cave into the culture and the easy way out—into quick comforts—or who would stand and face the darkest hour of opposition. Arrows flew and filled the sky like rain. Words of the self-righteous were deafening while their victims lay bloodied under a rubble of stones. The compromised church become louder—and sadly much for the wrong reasons. But in the silence and cocoon of deep heart repentance, humility and awakening incubated a people who chose the narrow road to God’s heart. Where a people, who in the midst of battling their own doubts, fears, and losses, chose to stay at His feet and ride out the storm—a people who chose the unpopular road and paid the cost to go where the Holy Spirit is going. They are the ones who have stood on the crossover and contended when most walked away—they put all their chips on the table when most were bunkering down. They are the ones who have walked through fire and now walk with a limp but they also flow with the oil of God’s presence. 2022 was the year of blind trust When things haven’t yet come to fruition but the door has never felt so close. It’s been the buckle-and-break moments where we have had to choose to hold on and look crazy or let go and settle. A year of mess and ducks out of order, emotions flying, trauma surfacing, and yet healing in abundance. It’s been a year of deliverance where the purging came, at first with a sting, but then welcomed like a cool drink after weeks in the hot desert. Hearts were heavy and congested and the Father’s affection was ready to be poured out. It’s been a year where the evil that has lingered and thrived came to the surface—hearts and motives were revealed. Snakes in the grass are being chased out of the courts. Kingdoms, kings, and queens are shaking, empires are falling, and there’s been a changing of the guard. Promotions, demotions, and dynastic reformation. A year of legacy birthing and families healing—assignments shifting and eternity coming back into view. A year of contracts breaking, demonic agreements divorcing, and nations beginning their return. 2022 was the year for the oil change The necessary pit stop and redirection—where burdens began falling like flies, and nomadic wounds were attended to. It was the moment when time stood still and hearts had time to finally be emptied and refurbished. It’s been a year where pioneers needed rest from the puzzle pieces all up in the air and from dealing with the broken expectations. A time of sudden doors closing, red tape, and unexpected outcomes that drove us to His feet. Yet in the limbo and greater unknown, we have been forged. In the unexpected hiatus, we have been reborn. There’s been an awakening and a resurrection that can’t be bought or manufactured. 2022 was the year of the great humbling The greatest setup—the year of Gideon’s men going down to the waters to drink. A year of falling apart that is ending in the fresh mantling of a newfound anointing, voice, and purpose—a year of the opening of the eyes to the blind and the setting free of the captives. A year where seekers became disciples, and outcasts took the torch to lead the charge. A year where the fire around us became the raging fire inside of us, and the catching of movements that we will carry with us into 2023 and beyond.
A week ago, as I was driving, I went into a powerful vision. I was taken up in the spirit and I knew I was about to see the Lord revealing what was to come in the following year. This was the revelation I had been waiting for Him to drop into my spirit for months. I knew I didn’t want to be focused on what the enemy was going to be doing but I wanted enough intel and insight into his plans to be able to prepare to counteract them. My heart has been postured for months now asking, “Lord, what are You up to? Where are You going? And how can I join You on the journey?” So as I went into this powerful vision, suddenly I felt the ground shaking under the car almost like there was a mini earthquake taking place—but I knew that there was no earthquake taking place in the natural. I was in the spirit and I was sensing the tectonic plates of the spiritual realm around the earth, shaking and trembling, rattling like bones that were stretching forth for the first time in a long time. It was like I was feeling the dry bones of the valley in Ezekiel 37 beginning to come back into formation. I sensed that there was something that had been hidden for such a long period of time that was suddenly beginning to break out of this place of dormancy and death. And God was resurrecting it—I could feel it! Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!” So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army. (Ezekiel 37:4,10) I could feel the shaking. And I said, “Lord, what am I seeing?” And the Lord said “You’re experiencing the birth pains of a mighty army that is rising in 2023. Because I am awakening My Bride more than ever before. The birth pains are going to increase around the world in the natural,” said the Lord. “And the birth pains are going to continue in the Church where I’m calling forth those who were once asleep and I’m bringing them fully awake. In 2023, watch as movements arise out of the places of complacency and where previously religion and other gospels and another Jesus have plagued the pews and the Church with its lies. I’m raising up a mighty remnant that would come forth from the ashes. They will come forth from their place of spiritual death and they will be bearers of truth that would shake the nations.” THE RISE OF A HOLY ARMY The Romans 8:19 movement that we’ve been prophesying about for many years, I was feeling that in 2023, we are going to see them go to another level. We are going to experience the birth pangs in the natural around the world as unusual phenomena—unusual signs and wonders happening—that could only be pointing to the return of our King. But before that, the rising of a pure and spotless Bride. And so here we are in this moment, poised and positioned, I feel like the Lord has been intensely purging the Body of Christ in 2022 from so much apathy and from a westernized gospel and Christianity that is so far removed from the House of Acts and from what God intended it to be. God has been shaking the Church of its idols, where it’s worshiped self-help Christianity, intellectualism, and everything that has caused the Church to be led into consumerism instead of the pure Gospel. So I continued to feel these birth pangs, these shakings, these tremors underneath my feet. It was hitting my spirit and causing this vibration in my spirit. And I knew that it was the Lord releasing the frequency of heaven, the frequency of His holiness that was calling those out of darkness into His light. It was the conviction of the Spirit that was coming upon those who have been dead. And He was calling them forth. And then I said, “Lord, is there going to be an even greater purging and refining fire in 2023?” And the Lord says, “Watch in 2023, as those who have been getting away with evil finally begin to come to justice. Watch as I release the sound of justice over the earth; the frequency of holiness and justice over the earth. And this frequency is going to deal with that which has been hidden—both in the Church and in the world. Watch as governments, systems, kings, and those who have been hiding and covering up injustices around the world begin to be exposed so that My glory can be poured out on the earth.” And I felt so strongly in that moment that we are about to see such a clashing of kingdoms in 2023 because never before has the Church risen to a place of such influence on the earth. I feel the Lord saying in 2023, the Church is going to rise up as a mighty contender in the earth—the Kingdom of God is going to be revealed. I feel like there are people who have the mandate to rise up and declare in the earth that we will not tolerate this mountain of fear, we will no longer tolerate Jezebel, and we will no longer tolerate the demonic spirits and principalities that have existed over our nations and cities. We will no longer tolerate the enemy dominating and exerting his false dominance and usurping authority over the places of the earth anymore. “For I’m crumbling them,” says the Lord. “I’m crumbling them from the inside out. Watch now as the prayers of the saints have filled the bowls of heaven and it begins to pour out and you will see a mighty, mighty outpouring of justice in the earth. I’m going to deal with the enemies that have tried to cancel you. I’m going to deal with the enemies that have tried to take you out. I’m dealing with what has been allowed to exist and to function and it has felt like it was for so long.” Many have said, “Lord, why? Why has evil endured? The enemy has been prowling and he has gotten away with it—he’s been laughing.” But the Lord says, “I shall get the last laugh.” THE GREATER GLORY And then suddenly in my car, a bright light shone and begin to fill the car and I could fill the warmth and the glory—the honey, the oil of the glory, and the presence of the Lord. And instantly I knew this was the other dimension to this revelation. And the Lord simply said, “My glory is about to be revealed. My latter glory is about to be revealed just as you look for signs and wonders in the earth and the unusual happenings around the earth, look for the signs of a glory that has been reserved for now—look for the new wine! Look for the wine that has been reserved for last—the best wine! Look for the glory that until this time has not been poured out; it is the latter glory that I said I would pour out of My house,” says the Lord. “And this latter glory shall fill the earth. And I’m looking for those who will be the glory carriers of heaven. They’ll be the dispensers of this glory and they will not back down. The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the LORD Almighty. ‘And in this place, I will grant peace,’ declares the LORD Almighty. (Haggai 2:9) “This is a time that the Church is called to rise up and be dispensers of this glory. And I say this to you, Church, this will be a year when I do not want you to back down. This is a year that I want you to rise up in the fear of God. I want you to rise up in the fear of the Lord and break off the fear of man. 2022 has been a year of great purging. It’s been a year of a great resetting of hearts. It’s been a year of laying down idols and casting every single forged and manufactured religious thing into the fire. And it’s been a year of deliverance,” says the Lord. “Watch now, as even in the next month, I begin to finalize that which I have started in you, and watch as I begin to bring to completion that which I began in you. “This was not a year of floundering. This was not a year of wandering to and fro. This was a year of necessary adjustments,” says the Lord, “so that I could lead you into that place where you could be and dispenser of My glory. Now watch as I’m positioning you, I’m posturing you. I’m bringing you into a new company,” says the Lord. “I’m bringing you into a new people. You’re going to find the people that you connect with. This year has been a year where it felt like the wolves were out after you. It felt like a year where every single surveilling spirit that could be released was; it was a year of so much witchcraft and chatter. But watch now as I begin to bring the people, the company, the family that I’ve called you to be, and you’ll establish My Kingdom in those places,” says the Lord. HOMES, HUBS, & SUDDEN MOVEMENT AFTER A TIME OF BARRENNESS “Yes, look for the homes. Yes, begin to dream again with Me for regions and nations. Ask for the nations and I shall give them to you. And for those who have dropped the nations, those who have dropped the cities because of the inability to access them and go to the places, watch now as I begin to give you the ability to go forward. Even right now, open your hands. I’m giving you the passports and the visas and the ability to go forward. Look and begin to see with Me the flights and the places I’m leading you. I’m giving you insight and direction to be able to go to those places and to reveal My glory,” says the Lord. So let movements now arise! I feel the Lord saying that movements are arising from places where there has been barrenness and there has been complete dormancy. There is the rattling of bones and the shaking of cities that have been asleep. There is an apathy that has long been over regions and it has been over ministries and over nations and those are the places that are being shaken awake. “Now watch as in the most unexpected places and in the most unexpected people, movements begin to emerge that reveal My latter glory. Watch them! Watch for the ones that right now, their bones are shaking. Watch for the ones whose bones have been brittle and dead under the surface and as the earth begins to click into place they will begin to step into a new day, a new fire, and a new mantle for the days to come. “And look for the locations that I’m going to be using in the years to come. 2023 is going to reveal hotspots of My glory—hubs of My glory. Right now, they’re changing. They’re shifting right now, and I’m moving people in and out of locations and regions for My glory. Watch as the different places that I prophesied about—and about the years to come—begin to become places where movements are launched from. They will be places of unusual outpourings and manifestations. FRESH BAPTISM & HOT COALS “You’re going to wake up in the next two months and you’re going to feel a fire upon your spirit that you’ve not felt in years. You’re going to feel a branding upon you that you’ve not felt in such a long time. And I’m going to pour out what has felt like it was stopped up. And it will be the very fire where you’ve said, ‘Lord, where is Your fire? I’ve stopped dreaming. I’ve stopped hearing. I’ve stopped feeling the conviction.’ And suddenly in a moment, the baptism of the Spirit of God is going to come upon you and you’re going to feel the fire, the wind, and the oil wrap itself around you—you’re going to feel the fire of heaven envelop you. You’re going to feel fresh coals on your tongue and you’re going to break out of the apathy. You’re going to break out of the pit you’ve been in and you’re going to lead forth, go forth, and possess the land that I’ve given you,” says the Lord. “Get ready for a year of the birthing pains and the mighty glory. Get ready for a year of the oil dripping from you in the places where you felt you were dry and where you had no oil, the places where you felt that you had lost your anointing, the places you felt you lost your authority, you lost your message, you lost your very essence and purpose of living—the oil will be dripping in those places. “There’s going to be such an outpouring of Glory and oil upon your life—it’s gonna set the captives free. Get ready to see the healing! Get ready to see the breakthrough! Get ready to see the doors open that you thought were shut for you. And right now I’m breaking the fear that’s wrapped itself around your throat and it stopped you from being able to speak and it stopped you from moving forward. This is a moment of deliverance,” says the Lord, “as you step into this new year I’m going to reveal the mighty voice that you’ve been called to be.” USA – I AM RESETTING LIBERTY! A week before I had this powerful encounter I had another where similarly the ground began to shake, I saw the United States move into a birthing position, and then suddenly I was transported to Pennsylvania where I saw the Liberty Bell and I saw it was cracked. Someone yelled out, “Let’s repair the crack. Let us repair the crack in the Liberty Bell. We must restore it to its rightful place.” Then suddenly the voice of the Lord declared, “No, the Liberty Bell must not be repaired. The Liberty Bell needs to be recast.” And I knew this was speaking that the United States was not entering into a time of repair, but that God was bringing it back to its foundation—God was resetting the nation. There’s a remolding, there’s a reshaping—a recast—that is taking place in the United States of America that’s going to affect the rest of the world. It’s going to look at first like a greater crack forms in liberty and the US dollar being affected for a time. Many dependencies that have been formed by the American people are not going to be dependable. “But I’m causing a recast of this nation to come forth from this. Don’t look to the momentary problems but look to what I’m going to do in the long term,” says the Lord. “Because I’m bringing this nation back to its former glory. And through it, the nations of the earth are going to come into line as well and they are also going to taste the glory of the Lord. THE ICHABOD CHURCH In 2023, I’m birthing My Church—My remnant is coming out of the shadows. They’re coming out of the back streets and the alleyways and they are coming to the front of the pack to be those who would recast, reforge, and represent the new Church, the new Bride in the glory that She was meant to reveal. This will be a time of great testing. It will be a great time of decision—a valley of decision season—because those who are stuck in the old paradigm will have to choose who they serve. Will they serve the Lord or do they serve religion? Will they serve themselves? Will they serve mammon? They’ll have to come out of those paradigms and make the decisions or they’ll be left behind in dead works and performance—that which does not carry any of My glory. “I’m breaking the neck of the Ichabod church,” says the Lord. I’m breaking that which carries no glory, and I’m leading My Church back into its time of glory. I’m leading My Church back into its time where the fountains will flow, where the streams will make glad the city of our God. It will be a time when revivals spring up around the earth again and people will say, ‘Do you know what the Lord is doing? Can you see what the Lord has done?’ And people will turn their affections and attention from what the enemy is prophesying and speaking over the airwaves to what I am doing. And people will say, ‘God is truly moving and alive in the earth and Jesus is Lord!'” SHAKING SYSTEMS In 2023, there’s coming a shaking to many of the earthly systems. But the Lord says, “Do not fear for I will give you strategy and I will give you a way around the issues that arise in 2023. And the plans of man that seek to imprison and enslave people—to trap people—I will reveal the plans and give you strategy for them.” THE ECONOMY “Don’t be afraid of the increased shakings in the economy for the plans of the enemy are to bankrupt the Church but it is only going to cause a mighty influx of wealth transfer to the Church and to the righteous,” says the Lord. “Watch as I turn the plans of the enemy on their head.” THE MEDIA Watch as there are massive changes in social media and in the media companies of the earth. Watch as there is a changing of hands and the changing of the guard, even in Pharaoh’s house. And I hear the Lord saying, “Watch as I begin to move in ways of justice that are outside of this system,” says the Lord, “there’s coming a new sound of freedom in the earth.” REAL ESTATE “Occupy, occupy, occupy! Do not hold back! For I am calling you to own the land that I give you.” There are many that have lost homes in the last ten years or have been believing for homes but have seen no breakthrough, but the Lord is moving suddenly to cause the Church to physically occupy regions. There will be large parcels of land bought for the sake of establishing and building Kingdom hubs of revival. “So plan like normal, dream with Me again,” says the Lord. “Let 2023 be a year that you break out of the shell, break out of the place of apathy, and the place of forfeit that you’ve been in. Arise and shine My glorious Bride! Reveal the glory that you are called to reveal. Do not hold back, stretch forth your tent pegs. Take the land and discover your inheritance in the nations. “Birth with me!” I hear the Lord saying. “There will be no more stillbirths or barrenness among My people!” This will be a year that My Church brings forth My Kingdom from the ashes of institution!”