Do NOT Fear

So, God tells me not to fear. This was back last April as we walked the mountains of Colorado. I didnt understand.

Sunday, poverty and fear were broken off of me. I know it, and I can feel confidence building. Trust the LORD for He is with you.

Judges 6 is amazing.

Midian is the poverty spirit. It kept coming to Israel and robbing all of their provision. In verse 10, we see that God wasnt stopping it because they feared Midian and the Amalekites and not the LORD. Later, we see that their fathers erected Baal altars. Idolatry is a killer.

Nevertheless, God chooses to defile them through Gideon. He gives an amazing encounter.

In verse 16″ But, the LORD said to him, “Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat Midian as one man.”

Gideon goes on to defeat them with 300 men. God defeats poverty with few or little. It doesnt take much on our part – just faith in God. Poverty wars against our trust in God.

So, God wars back by defeating poverty with little. That’s ironic and funny. He takes it out by using its own game.

verse 25: Baal was being worshipped. Ashera as well. This is another manifestation of what was going on with Elijah and Jezebel. They are all linked. God had Gideon tear down his father’s worship of Baal. My dad is being dealt with by God. I prophesy the tearing down of false idols.

verse 27: Gideon is afraid of man (his dad). But, Baal is taken down – even in the night hour so that no one will see.

verse 35: Then the Midianites and Amalekites all assembled. A movement away from idolatry stirs up the spirit and causes the battle lines to be drawn. We have seen that this year. God has been doing stuff in the spirit. The warfare has been intense.

v34: And the Spirit of the LORD came upon Gideon, and he blew a trumpet. Where is my shofar?

  • The Abiezrites were called together to follow him (Gideon’s townfolks/family) highest rank of Manassah
  • Manasseh came too
  • Asher, Zebulun and Naphtali as well

v36 Gideon fleeces God – he is still afraid. God picked the weakest to do this work.

Hence, we see why the Angel of the LORD prophesied, “O valiant warrior.”