Take Me at My Word

Ben Goss sent me a text the other day. “Take Me at My Word”, he said.

And, I see this a few days later.


…I have Chosen YOU,…even before the foundations of the earth,..I carefully handpicked you,…and set you aside for the purposes of My Kingdom in the Nations,..

…A conduit for My Power,..an Instrument of Praise in the Earth,….My Kingdom and All that is within it,..has taken up residence within you,…Have I not said,..that I chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise….And that I chose things that are powerless to shame those who think they are powerful?,…My Child,..My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,..for my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts,..

…You have limited Me from fully using you as I planned and purposed,..because you have reasoned with your own mind and leaned on your own understanding,..If you will take Me at My Word,…I can bring to pass the Signs, Wonders and Miracles I so desperately desire to display in the Earthly realm,..

…Unbelief has created an atmosphere of Hopelessness and Despair,…and the absence of simple child like faith has stifled My Presence and stopped a mighty move of My Spirit,…some have even believed that the Powers of Darkness are far more superior than the Power of Light,..and that the Kingdoms of this earth have more Authority than the Kingdom of Heaven,…

…Oh how My eyes roam to and fro over all the earth,…looking to show Myself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are fully devoted to Me,…If only I could find JUST ONE,…ONE that is not earthbound but heavenly centred,..ONE that is like-minded that will come into agreement with Me,…ONE who will give themselves freely to be used as a sharp threshing instrument,..as a dangerous Weapon against the forces of hell,..a willing participant who I can Anoint and Commission and send forth,..to turn the World upside down and inside out for the sake of My Glory,…

…See!..I Tell you,…I am not looking for perfect pots in which to carry the New Wine,..but rather imperfect and yielded vessels that can become like a Reservoir that has the capacity to hold the weight of My Anointing,..Power and Blessings in the Earth,…Ha!…once My Fathers house was a place of Prayer and those that dwelt there were completely sold out for the cause of Christ,…but now My Fathers house is a den of thieves,..buying and selling to the highest bidder and those that dwell there are completely sold out to the cause of a counterfeit creator and a God of their own vain imaginations,…

…Warriors,..Will you give Me your mouth,..Will you give Me your hands and feet,…Will you give Me your heart?…that I may curse the roots that have defiled the fruits,…that I may strike down that which has defiled My Fathers house,..that I may turn over the tables of the ungodly merchandiser’s,…that I may drive out the enemy and his co-labourers that have made My Fathers house a den of iniquity?…

…Did I not say,…to Count the Cost?..For Beloved that which I require will come at a high price,..even death for the sake of My Kingdom,…Only the Fearless and violent need apply for this position,..those that will take the Kingdom by force,…

..I say,..Time is short,..only a small Window of Time remains open,…Only My Truth shall remain, for the Day of Judgment draws nigh,..when the hearts of all men shall be fully exposed to the light of My Glory,..in this hour I am moving to purge and to purify,..and My searching eyes are looking for those that have given themselves fully to the advancement of My Kingdom,..that have handed over their lives to My Will and My Way,…these are the vessels that I choose,..for such a time as this,..to manifest My Glory in the earth”..!!