From lizzy
God is giving you ladders to see above the enemy’s plans and schemes. He is giving you ladders and saying come higher come up higher in Jesus name. Keep going, come up higher, come up higher let me show you things from my perspective my son. Showing you arenas, even something with sports. Arenas, I see arenas. Let me take you to the clouds, the heavenly places, and reorder your steps for your destiny. Every cat, every stalking spirit, monitoring spirit is dying now in Jesus name. No weapon formed against you two shall prosper! The whisper is where His voice is. Listen and be still, listen for the whisper. He is cushioning every blow. John I see you in a boxing ring and you’re taking hit after hit, he is bringing another to help you out. Someone in the spirit, who can step in when you’re feeling like you just can’t take another hit. I’m not sure if this is an angel or another person. I think it’s an angel, fighting your battles and squaring up to the enemy, the power of God is much more than your power. Where you hit the devil 80 times in the face with all your strength and might, God can take out your enemy with one single blow. 2 or 3 will do the trick with the power of the Lord! Strategy, strategy, strategy. Work smarter, not harder. He is giving you blue prints and maps, and strategy so that you don’t wear yourself out. His yoke is easy, His burden is light. Come up higher come up higher. Refreshing and joy is in the heavens, come up higher. Have fun with the Lord in the heavenly places. Increasing your joy as you bounce on the clouds and get launched higher with Him!
Jen, you are getting ready to fly! I see you shaking off your wings, preparing to run, preparing to fly. You have been preparing for a long time. You have been prepared. Stretch out and get ready because you’re about ready to run and train in the Spirit. I see weights in the spirit coming off of you as God trains you in battle. He will teach you to wield your sword 🗡️ He is training you. You can do it otherwise he wouldn’t have called you to it! Embrace Him. Embrace this season. Don’t dread the dreaded moments because they’re making you a dread champion. You are being forged. Warrior coming from the flames. Keep fighting, keep getting up. You have a fighter spirit in you.
Go bowling just the two of you. Go have a date night. Go have fun and do something special with one another. John, I see you smoking a cigar and God says He has something better for you. He is bringing you from any games and He is drawing your attention to His voice. I see you distracted and God is calling you over to Him. You keep hearing Him calling you and wooing you. Keep following the sound of His voice. Let Him lead you beyond where you’ve been and what you’re used to.
Let me know if these words resonate in any way. Bless you both in Jesus name