Cast my concerns on the LORD for He cares for me.
What am I anxious about? Where does fear want to come in? What bothers me?
I shall give these to the LORD. His promises are true.
- My weight
- My health. I feel bad most every day with my back hurting. It keeps me from exercising. Lots of pain in my side but am thinking that is from not drinking water. I have started that, and it is much better.
- God’s desires when it comes to drinkign wine or smokign cigars
- My calling, ministry, anointing and the endless delay
- our finances and the LORD’s provision, proper stewardship
- fire and faith
- Work – what’s next?
- the book
So much bothers me. Joy? Ha! What is that? I have to find that.
LORD help me please. Take these burdens. I will try NOT to take them back.
SMALL STRAWS by MARSHA BURNSRelease your burdens and energize your faith to know that I can do what you cannot. But, you must let Me have those things that worry you without taking them back to stew over. I will take care of your issues in the most effective and efficient ways if you will truly deliver them to Me, says the Lord. 1 Peter 5:6-7 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.