Teaching on Patience

James 1:2 – count it all joy

Count it all joyu when you fall into various trials, know that the testin for your faith produces PATIENCE.

Trials in maturity = patience

You know how to be joyful because it is producing something good in you. WE just want relief.

Thank You, LORD!


Proverbs 19:1 NIV

connection between wisdom and patience; slow to anger, which is interesting beccause hte verse in James 1 says count it all joy but then quickly transitions to BUT, if you are lackign wisdom. What? Those two things arent related. But, they are.

There is a direct conneciton.

Verses on patience = https://www.compassion.com/christian-faith/bible-verses-about-patience.htm

Proverbs 19:11 New International Version

11 A person’s wisdom yields patience;
    it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.

So wisdom >>>> patience >>>>> no offense taken >>>> glory