No dog in that fight

Today, I was hanging out with Barry at Starbucks. It was such a nice day, and we were outside.

Things were great when I saw a lady walk up to a car and start hitting someone or something in the car. I saw a dog’s head and thought that she was beating a dog. Then, she started screaming into the car.

I grabbed Barry and walked over there and told her to stop or I was going to call the police. I noticed that there was a boy in the back of the car and was wondering if she were beating him. The dad, who had a real gentle spirit, was next to the window. He asked me not to call the sheriff.

The lady was a mess. She was hysterical. She yelled at me too, and I told her what she was doing was assault. She must have been embarrassed because she got in her car.

I talked to the dad and found out that the lady was actually hitting her 31 year old daughter in the front seat. She was drunk as can be and on the verge of losing her own kid. We had a good conversation, and I asked him to accompany me to his wife who was still in the car.

I went over there and told her that I was sorry and asked her if I could pray for her. She gave me her hand, and I released peace back into her. I could tell she was calming down.

Then, I got the dad and went over to pray for the daughter. I rebuked addiction and all kinds of other junk and felt like the lady had been sexually abused. She was deeply hurt. I called fire down on her and asked if she felt the presence of God. She mouthed, “all the time.” Then she mouthed, “thank you.”

I bet it was the first time that someone didnt condemn her. I blessed her and was done.

Then the sheriff showed up. Oh boy. It was the same guy as the one last month in my neighborhood. And, then the other sheriff came too. Oh man. The first guy recognized me but couldnt tell who I was.

I knew in that instant that I was in the wrong place.

God is teaching me not to get into fights that dont concern me. I should have called the cops. This is a hard lesson. But, I believe it to be for my own safety that He is teaching me this.

He protects the fights that He calls me into. There may not be grace for the ones that I pick on my own account.

Dont get involved where you have no dog. Bill Johnsons preached on that once.