Dealing with Dreams

What is image?
What does bible say about image?
What does it mean to me?
Pray for wisdom and understanding.
Pray for scales to be removed.
Dreams not from God come with crazy emotions like viloence, anger, heart pounding, etc
Snakes always mean satan
If you dream about snake biting you, put oil on it and anoint it and rebuke it before it manifests.
Never make a major decision based upom just a dream.
Get counsel om your dreams.
Some dreams you don’t share cause once you speak it out the devil can get a clue. Don’t even tell laura if God says.
God can reveal what satan is planning to do.
If you get a dream, go to prayer right then, even if its demonic.
Ask God to let you know that its ok. My dreams have been increasing.
Devil, you have no right
I cancel your assignment
God I give you the authority to stop the devil in the spirit realm